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Brian Cross

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Posts posted by Brian Cross

  1. Just got in from putting out some bedlington.co.uk flyers and I'm now totally soaked through and fed up. This Chinchilla's peperroni special is doing a good job of cheering me up though :)

    You missed my front door ......... :lol::lol::lol:

  2. About the quality of the cricket or about Flintoff's contribution?

    Swann had better bowling and batting figures than Flintoff. Strauss was the top run scorer and an inspirational leader. Flintoff's contribution, other than his excellent five-for in the second innings at Lord's, was largely ephemeral.

    About Flintoff's contribution,considering his apparent injuries and his presence on the field seemed to install fire in the England side, the Australian commentator's and me seem to agree on this point dunno could be wrong........ :blink:

  3. :D

    With Cheese Farm cheese. And currents. But not at the same time. And you Monsta?

    BTW... GGG... Any chance of a cookery section on here? I have some lovely chutney recipes that I don't mid sharing...

    The scones sound delicious can you post the chutney recipes :rolleyes:

  4. It's nearly September, but it's still sunny! We have a load of cattepillars in our garden... some of them look a bit poisonous, but that's ok. Jupiter is visable in the crisp evenings now. It's a bank holiday weekend: I'm going to bake some scones later, while listening to my new pop-romantique record... life is pretty good!

    Yes, things aren't perfect, the country is still in a recession, it's going to get cold, the cattepillars have eaten our cabbages and the Pre-Raphelite boys aren't on BBC2 anymore... but things could be worse...

    Yet, anger, it still exists... part of the complexity of human nature, manifesting itself in so many guises... police cars have been flying around all day, scuffles were noted on the Front Street yester evening, even on this site the inner turmoil of some appears in the guise of ill-informed aggresion...

    So I ask of you, whether you are angry, or simply empathise with the anger of others... what do you consider to be cause of such emotion?

    Getting back to the important thing how do you make your scones.......... :blink:

  5. I would just like to say this man was found guilty in a legal court of law and sentenced to how ever many years of jail and then he was released on compassionate grounds but if one of us were convicted of the same crime in his home country we would have been beheaded or worse very soon after the conviction, no chance of compassionate release.

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  6. If you're talking about the 2005 series then I agree with you.

    However, the 2009 series was a far weaker affair. Both teams were pretty poor. While Flintoff battled bravely against his debilitating knee injury, he was a shadow of the player that dominated in 2005.

    Strauss was the player of the series.

    I disagree with you H P

  7. The economic down turn just became personnel after 18 years with the club my job was made redundant 3 weeks ago (sacked) on the upside i have plenty of time to visit Bedlington and my relatives so i will be back in September do any of the forum guys get to-gether and have a drink somewhere

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