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Brian Cross

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Posts posted by Brian Cross

  1. Tell us about it mate! It may stink over there but it absolutely hotches over here!

    Your government needs to look at our policies,see how they didn't work and do something about it before it's too late. Man they taking over the world by the back door :angry:

    Mr Kevin Rudd has again backed down to the Sri Lankan "refugees" he has guaranteed them a speedy process to find out if they are truly "refugee status" why didn't they just sail them back to where they came from and land them.......

  2. A good old slice with a sand wedge usually does the trick :lol: :lol:

    You didn't really expect me to answer that did you Brian? Hunting in this country is highly ILLEGAL! Especially on Bedders Golf Course :lol: :lol: :lol:

    oooo sorry Merlin poaching is a bad thing tell my uncles that :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  3. Can the Abbo's not sort them out :lol:

    Or set Crocodile Dundee on them :lol: :lol:

    Better still just fly them over here,there's still plenty room but they'll have to be quick! The no vacancy signs are being made as we speak :lol: :lol:

    The Indigenous folk are OK maybe Croc Dundee is the answer. less handouts from the Govt to these "Refugees" might help, a refugee receives around 3 times as much benifits as an old age pensioner ............it stinks..

  4. Hi Brian, I was traveling from Bundaberg to Palm Beach following the coast road as much as possible, stayed overnight in Gympie (and got lost in the dark, that's another story!)then on to Maroochydore

    Vic that's very scary getting "lost in the dark"at Gympie you would have to have been there to understand

  5. Away down the golf course to get myself a couple,my belly's rumbling! Thats rabbits not black puds :lol: :lol:

    Just had a thought:- Was it The Goodies who used to run around with black puddings,shouting "ecky thump" or am I thinking of something else?

    do you shoot them or use ferrets or nets the bunnies i mean

  6. We bought our coke from Straughan (sp?) on Station Road Stannington - which is perhaps nearer. Though the last time I was there was well over ten years ago.

    Is James on West Sleekburn Industrial Estate now CPL? Used to go there too, but I got upset about the number of damaged plastic sacks and the resulting mess in the back of the car. Tip: refuse anything with any kind of hole as the plastic isn't at all strong and will split.

    Keenleysides will probably have the small sacks of smokeless to get you started. Phone number on site here.

    Let everone know how you get on and where you get the best service/deal please.

    I worked for Straughans when i was a kid they were at New Hartley does anyone remember them

  7. But you are going to have shops in the market place there's Tesco and then there's Tesco and then there's err err Tesco! What more do you want :D You didn't really think we would get anything else did you! Northumberland council, Wansbeck council or Betty Boo council everything goes to Ashington and Newbiggin :angry: :angry:

    Why do the new centers get built out side of Bedlington. do you think its the layout of front street i think they would do well (council) to reclaim some flat land and and zone it for a shopping center I'm not sure where that would be !!!

  8. I bought two fresh rabbits from a local butcher on the weekend (a rarity in our state of Queensland) my wife made a rabbit pie complete with heart, kidneys, gravy and a thick pie crust this a meal which makes me think of our home when i was a kid in Millbank Crescent .........i loved it.

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  9. what he's got a web site! thats just low :angry: suppose he'll be uploading his holiday photo's for the victims family to see! :mellow:

    look just recapture the dorty terrorist and electrofy the fecker make every one happy!

    i am with you on this one Monsta, we are too soft and they know it, have you ever wondered why there isn't any boat people or political refugee's trying to get into Muslim countries

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