Looks like we might see some fracking soon here. Looking elsewhere where it has taken place the signs are not encouraging! http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/08/19/319482/fracking-texas-towns-out-of-water/ One particularly worrying bit is the fact that in the USA fracking companies have been given special financial dispensations and exemptions from the likes of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Clean Drinking Water Acts, as well as the Superfund Act, which requires clean-ups of hazardous substances. But then it doesn't have any hazardous substances rather 'residual waste'. One other bit of astonishing news is that they don't have to publish the full list of chemicals they use in their operations? If this technology needs so many rules bent in its favour is it really able to compete? And they say coal is too dirty to use! Still like the thorium based fusion stuff but I have just come across this beaut. http://www.starscientific.com.au/muon-catalysed-fusion/ Might we see thorium based reactors anytime soon, oh I forgot, you can't weaponise spent thorium!