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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. ... and i am delighted to hear it! I think I might just celebrate with a little glass of something.
  2. Couldn't have put it better myself, Eggy. Postal mix-ups with the Rothbury 'Netherton' where the cause of the name change. However, during my childhood, colliery 'elders' often referred to these places as simply 'the colliery' or 'the village' - presumably because previously they had known both as Netherton . The seem to have found there own way of distinguishing them from one another. I've long had a notion that an element of snobbery was involved in the name-change the line but haven't been able to prove it.
  3. That arrow is pointing to the Red House area. Netherton Colliery was exactly where the word 'Netherton' is, to the west of the Green letch, and nowhere near Ridge Terrace.
  4. Thanks for the offer 3g but I don't want anything to do with auricasio! It has plagued me for a week and that's enough. I advise you to leave well alone. I have to admit that the the bracketed domain name should have read auricasio (no 'o' in the middle), but the name I Googled was correct.
  5. Problem solved! I'll never complain again about grandchildren who always have a mobile in their hand!
  6. It's me again! More problems! I'm unable to use my android mobile phone for Internet because Google Chrome is permanently open at a site (auriocasio.com), congratulating me and inviting me - the luckiest visitor of the day (that's a laugh) - to win an enormous jackpot by clicking on the x. I think it's something I've picked up while using hotel/airport wifi systems in Germany/Brussels/Spain and I really don't want to open the link. I've googled auricasio but haven't been able to find any information or help. Should I be worried? How do I get rid of it?
  7. I don't think the date, 1905, on the top of that photo can be right, Eggy.
  8. Thanks Pilgrim! Double standards indeed.It must be an odd position to find yourself in as Service's words tell us. We've got a tricky one here as well: Military service at 18 years with all that entails regarding handling weapons and killing people. That's a big responsibility for an 18 year old. On the othet hand, they aren't deemed responsible enough to buy a can of beer until they are 20 years old! Makes you wonder!
  9. Have you tried www.rootschat.com ? It's fantastic for everything to do with the Blyth Area.
  10. Fantastic job you've done there, Eggy. I think the area could be right but I don't think it's the house you point out. It's more likely to be one of the smaller houses in the area - like the one just showing at the right edge of the photo. In the original photo the upstairs windows show a 3-pane wide and a two pane wide window - typical for a front double bedroom and a boxroom över the stair well. The house you point out has two doubles and judging by the size, it always has had. Also the porch over the door is very near to the corner of the house leaving no room for a hall window downstairs. That's exactly what you see in the house to the right.
  11. Bessie's Boil is definitely worth a read. I'm having difficulty finding Raw Recruit on the Internet. Do you have you a link to it?
  12. No need. It's not a fight. Not even an argument, given the opposition.
  13. Why is a mans brain as big as a walnut? Because it's swollen.
  14. Translation for our non geordie members (bracketed text for information): Be careful honey, our Gertie used to play that computer bingo, she spent all her social benefits, I remember myself and our girl used to go to the Pivv at Ashington years ago (I'm afraid I've never heard of the 'Pivv', guys. Could it be People's Institute for the Vacuous and Vapid?) Once I was waiting for one song for the Pink Link (Pork sausage?), I tell your my anus was throbbing like an infected finger, have your been to the Pivv honey, did your shout Who's? (you'll have to excuse him, he doesn't know his thees from his thys). Keep The Islamic Manuscript Assosciation in honey End of translation
  15. Definitely not West Lea. Wrong type of window.
  16. That's why I thought you weren't interested in anything I had to say, so the answer to your question "what subject would that be" must be 'any subject' Same way as I've done all day - sitting at the computer working with syntax and earning large sums of money while enjoying a little light entertainment at refreshment breaks As the forum description states - "The only place where off-topic banter is OK. Just sometimes it's hard to recall that there ever was a topic! The general rules about defamation and harassment still apply though.. I have offered you the opportunity to bring it 'back on course'. You seem to be a bit calmer now. That's nice.
  17. Translation for our ethnic minority readers (Bracketed text for information): 'Now honey I'm enjoying myself far too much to worry about silly things like dignity, just like yourself with all your talk of backsides and haemorrhoids I've got none (funny, I could swear you said your "Farmer Giles" were bothering you). My girl was asking what I was doing on the computer, I said I am talking to big Mouth, she said OHH (No, I've no idea either) that reminds me we need a new mop head, I don't know what made her think of that Keep your powder dry End of translation Moe You are being incredibly silly. As a matter of interest, why are you on the computer? You say yourself that this discussion is boring and that you have no interest in the subject.
  18. Translation for our ethnic minority readers: 'Oh my Big Mouth' (There is a degree of ambuguity present in that it's not quite clear if Moe is referring to his own mouth or mine). End of translation. The remainder is perfectly good Queen's English of the type you are used to working with. Moe You are making yourself out to be a bigger idiot than you really are. This doesn't look good. I've offered you a way out which will allow you to retain a bit of dignity. Take that opportunity.!
  19. Quite frankly, Webtrekker, I'd rather stuff them up somebody else's and indeed have done so on many occasions during my years with the NHS
  20. ... you did indeed mention them earlier. I can't understand anybody allowing themselves to suffer in this day and age when there are so many creams and suppositories available costing less than a pint.
  21. ... and Moe, I think you should stop your silliness. You are really making a fool of yourself.
  22. I thought it referred to the ones Moe didn't want his chocolate eggs sticking to earlier in the discussion.
  23. Translation for our non-ethnic readers (bracketed information for information): Honey, you couldn't shoot anyone down if you had a 12-bore shotgun, you would like to think you could but you can't you are just like a spoilt child stamping and wailing and throwing a tantrum (MOI!) because you can't get your own way, mind you you could perhaps talk or bore a few to shoot themselves, but my only irritation comes from my poor old haemorrhoids throbbing. You see I don't really give a darn about Easter eggs or any of the other silly things you go on about, but I know it gets right up your nose when people don't agree with everything you say and fail to fall on bended knee and worship you, so it gives me a good laugh to see you take all the bait I throw at you, and know that you will have steam coming out of your ears (MOI!) with a face like a male turkey (MOI!)thrashing away on your computer You must understand Honey that you take yourself too seriously, and you are more easily wound up than my old alarm clock and I must admit you make me laugh Now I hear the word Christmas is going to be banned from our puddings this year, what do you make of that honey End of translation.
  24. ... neither does eating a chocolate egg - judging by the amount of Xenophobia in correlation to the number of eggs sold. I do believe you are right! I'm sure Mercury will be able to verify that.
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