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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. No willyj but maybe that should be on my hit list. Tom Paxton, we were listening to from the Dark Ages in the late sixties /seventies. We have seen him a few times. My Dad died of Emphysema. It was not too good to watch him and feel helpless.
  2. When the 'Black Lung gets you that's the kiss of death' Tom Paxton Dogs at Midnight.
  3. No one has mentioned 'the Stottie' Ham and pease pud or cheese savoury. Remember to wave at the camera on the way in and the way out. The Artisan bread would have to be from 'The Running Fox Bakery at Felton. These days the buzz words are 1)'Sour Dough' or in the old days using up the milk that had gone off. 2) GI bread 'Glycemic index' Basically chuck in anything 'nutty' My bet is that those two can command lots of jokes.
  4. Please read 'Colour Bar' by Susan Williams It is testament to 'Dirty Tricks'
  5. The truth is in there somewhere threegee. I am not so sure it is that simple to find. The film covers all these issues and more. One thing is for sure Tony Benn,despite every attempt by the media to ridicule and denounce him, came back as a 'National Treasure' Something he found amusing. Politics is no longer 'for the people by the people' Perhaps it never was. Can any party in power ever be incorruptible! History gives us tales of injustice at every step of every powerful state and country. A wish to live in peace and harmony is maybe just a pipe dream. The older I get the more I just think 'I've heard it all before'
  6. I would like to see everyone going to see this film. Regardless of political allegiance, Even Union Members. Would politics be in the state it is today if Tony Benn had been elected and not Neil Kinnock. Tony Benn a man said to be ten years ahead of his time!
  7. There were the 'Muck' deliveries. Then both street and garden had the same smell. The smell of burning coal must remind all the oldies of home in Bedlongton The farmers opposite Westridge were 'the Hall's' I think.
  8. We all need to wave when we walk past. Just imagine the rest. Grenade launcher , laser canons, rose petals etc Obviously only people 'in the know' on the site can wave. Maybe we could have a special nod or wink !!'
  9. A film everyone should see. Brilliant and a true story. If you enjoyed 'Brassed Off' you should enjoy this story'
  10. Just had a pint in the North. Left after the Footy and before the pub quiz. I should have waved again. I did not think we could be seen but it is possible.
  11. That was fun I feel like a kid again. Who cares if no one is watching. Scalextric by the chemist corner but not on the road , Bedlington challenge for the camera. Bet the footy is the real reason Foxy.
  12. I will wave en route to the History Society in half an hour. That is as we turn at the chemist corner and before we park to go across the road to the 'Coffin Chapel' Sunset tonight is colourful.
  13. You cannot beat the old memories. 'We were poor but we were happy'
  14. The Culture Show last night was an interview with Hilary Mantel. It was very interesting and thought provoking. I have managed to get to download IPlayer in Europe but I believe you need a UK / IP address. Hope you can see it Symptoms; wherever you are!
  15. It is not all about you Tonyp. I am loyal to Bedlington but I have not always lived in the town. I do not disagree with anything that has been said on this thread. Subjective viewpoints are fine. On the subject of missing the point and needing to talk to your missus, now that would be interesting. You appear to say you don't know what I am rubbishing on about' Your text does not read well. I have an opinion surely you can understand that fact without the derogatory comment or comments. Education is an essential part of everyone's life. We all have skills that are useful to society.
  16. I am not rubbishing Education Tonyp. There are other points of views to yours. Education is not just exam based. People learn in different ways. Sometimes their skills are not measured by an exam alone. Life is not always about escaping and travelling.
  17. There are people with Special Needs who cannot pass exams but have skills that cannot be measured in this way. GCHQ is even thinking of employing people who are Dyslexic. Education is valuable but the ability to pass an exam often is not the full or accurate picture. Enjoy your trip home Tonyp.
  18. On the subjectt of education surely we all know someone who is brilliant but has not passed exams. Practical skills should be celebrated ! Everyone is different. The question is 'How many Head boys or Head Girls become Buisness man/woman of the year / decade' Divergent or convergant thinking!
  19. Be careful Tonyp. Jimmy Nail as Spender came back reluctantly. His London boss summed the situation up by saying 'Heaven preserve me from born again Geordies.' Life in the North is not grim!
  20. Let us write our own 'Ragged Trousered Philanthropist ' Malcolm I think you need to be Barrington! If my memory serves me well
  21. Local politics or central government. Layers of control for the few. We all need to be more involved. The young people in Scotland gave me hope for the future. They seemed to understand and ask the right questions.
  22. To be honest I was a little bored reading the story. Interesting on 'time and place. Very controversial Symptoms!
  23. Full circle 'Selling up' to 'Getting a buzz about returning' How about this for us all, regardless of age or educational qualifications. REG Respect Empathy and being Genuine RUBY Respect Understanding and Being Yourself.
  24. Monday 29th September 7:30 . The Bedlington History Society meeting is about 'The North East War Memorials Project' The talk is to be given by Janet Brown To everyone who knows Bedlington it is in the Coffin Chapel. Otherwise it is the Christian Fellowship Church.
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