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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. July 25 th marks 200 years since George Stephenson's Blucher took to the rails . A grant of 55,000 from HLF has been given to mark the occasion in North Tyneside.
  2. The Big Event gets a great write up in the Journal today by reporter Linda Cameron. The whole thing was filmed by The beautiful image. Well done to all concerned !
  3. Sadly it seems fight or flight . The ballet box could change things, but do enough people care. I think there is a will to change and that there are so many people old and new to Bedlington who will bring about that change . I do accept I may be too optimistic . Our elected leaders often do not see past their own narrow viewpoint and Bedlington gets no investment . I know we are all NCC and I love Northumberland but when you think what we had in the past it seems unfair to not attempt to flag up the basic facts. Bedlington has an unrivalled Main Street that was always seen as special.. Meetings that end up congratulating Ashington or Woodhorn, I am not against but that does not help unless we accept six townships and we are just a satellite of Ashington,
  4. Great postcards Bedlingtonian
  5. Woodhorn Miners Picnic was a brilliant day it seems! I remember similar days here in Bedlington. The County Archives used to be at Meldon Park and the room for research was named after our very own Ellen Mitchell. Now it is Ashington that is the hub. Swimming in a healthy open air pool at Humford, now where do we go Ashington. Large supermarkets that are built and rebuilt where do we go Ashington. My wish list would be somewhere here in Bedlington. Morpeth County Hall set to be relocated guess where Ashington PFI rules I guess and who pays that is the question. Positivity would be great anyone got any ideas. I would love our councillors with the majority vote to invest some thought into congratulating Bedlington and bringing some important development to our dear town. Iron Works , Church, leisure pool etc Not just heritage initiative but everyone working together. Clear up the Main Street of half finished developments and accept that there is a wonderful opportunity for everyone. It all used to be so different and could be again. BACK To The FUTURE
  6. Ten houses it seems underway to be built on the old Coop site on Netherton Lane opposite Westlea. Fourteen houses on Netherton Lane opposite where Raisbecks Garage stood. This development is to be discussed on Thursday by WBTC or is it now demoted by there own vote to a parish council. Wonder what time the meeting is to start. Garages being demolished at Westlea look out for plans!!! No green belt therefore we become attached to Nedderton and someone makes money maybe. Affordable housing, that starts at a good price and then looses money. Example Ridge Square and flats at Cowpen !(they are the only ones I know about .) Core strategy or neighbourhood plan ignored and we need to ask 'Who Gains' Malcolm we need the Latin translation.
  7. Yes I believe it is, his presentation was excellent. He provided a thought provoking insight into the subject. Tactics as well as Time and Place. He even found time for the Old Alliance!
  8. Such an impressive location. Ideal for a Miners Picnic!
  9. Last week two people stopped me in the car park behind Tesco's and asked where they should go for the town centre! What a dilemma! Where could I send them! I did try. They had a Cross Bedlington Terrier and had stopped en route South well Yorkshire! What should I have said! The Church Market Cross Daniel Gooch Railways but then no evidence of our rich history in the town itself. Quite a few eyesores to skip past. Sadly this is the same dilemma for any project. We have an amazing wide Main Street but what do we do with the problem areas.
  10. So what is the way forward Tonyp ! Diplomacy / Use and Abuse of Argument Every side feels they have 'God/ Right on their side'. Does history teach us nothing! Two World Wars / what lessons have we learnt ! I feel the need to quote John Lennon Imagine!
  11. Agreed. War for whatever reason results in the death and suffering of a lot of people.
  12. The programme is called Clydebuilt - The Ships that Made the Commonwealth.
  13. Last week there was a programme on Shipbuilding on the River Clyde Thursday BBC4. The whole programme was on laying cables, sadly our man never got a mention. Worth watching if you can get it on I Player.
  14. Today the video works. Not sure why it did not! Mysterious ways or just me
  15. I am so pleased everyone is enjoying our tourist attraction.
  16. I wish it was so simple Tonyp. You are right in what you say but sadly aggression needs a response. Action and reaction.
  17. Then there is the Ford in Humford. Metal detector not needed to turn up some old relics. (Joke)
  18. Thanks Eggy! Search as I may I cannot find Evans book on the Iron Works .
  19. Wish I had your faith Brett Do you think opting out will stop them selling the Data!
  20. Within one of Evan Martins books he describes the Hartford Road / Plessey as the pilgrims route between Jarrow and Lindisfarne. Further evidence maybe of our town being important in the Golden Age of Nortbumbria. Who gave that date of the church as sometime in the 600 AD years? Natural amphitheatre, navigable river, raised ground level at Nedderton and Bedlington, what more could any King or Holy Person want!
  21. Within one of Evan Martins books he describes the Hartford Road / Plessey as the pilgrims route between Jarrow and Lindisfarne. Further evidence maybe of our town being important in the Golden Age of Nortbumbria. Who gave that date of the church as sometime in the 600 AD years? Natural amphitheatre, navigable river, raised ground level at Nedderton and Bedlington, what more could any King or Holy Person want!
  22. The book is now being sold in paperback in Morpeth Waterstones. Pity because it took some tracking down in hardback . It is however 'The King In the North'
  23. So your computer still loads the video Malcolm. Beware because the word is that U Tube is after our money!
  24. So your computer still loads the video Malcolm. Beware because the word is that U Tube is after our money!
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