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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Listen again to start the week Malcolm Radio 4 Monday 9am recorded at the Sage. During the weekend one person said that Putin was brought to power by the oligarths but he then could not be controlled.
  2. There is an argument that decent transport links mean people can travel out of the region/ town.
  3. Any matches I have been to I seem to always remember the songs not the result. ie 'the Mighty Wyn' Then there was Harry Palmer. Now obviously it is Mark Knoppler and Local Hero.
  4. How about the Hokey Cokey! In out in out shake it all about. Seriously lots of debate needed.
  5. My thoughts in the sixties as now are basically that we still need the coal. The Shotton site and loads of others are testament to that fact. The effect of closure of the mines on our community has been enormous and devastating. There was an advert for recruitment purposes that summed up why we would always need coal.. Now just a small part of the profits can give us 'Northumberlandia' When arguing for cheap coal who took into consideration the welfare bill for mass unemployment? Ok some people did move and enjoy spending their redundancy money but that still left many others without employment.
  6. I wonder if we are back to the old Cold War days. Scary stuff.
  7. The picture I posted last year of the Sun Inn regulars was a trip to Blackpool. I seem to recollect it was a regular trip or outing. My Dad was in the darts team. The Sun Inn now seems in need of some investment. It was a popular destination for our ancestors. It would be great if it could become competition for the Red Lion / Spoons .
  8. Never thought about that HPW. Waters and Robson and 'Pop'
  9. Shame the Spanish City is not still running as a fairground. South Shields has got everything that Whitley Bay has not.
  10. Money seems to have no meaning to our Government. After all with 'quantitive easing' you only need a printing press. Someone at the weekend said 'Quantitive Easing ' sounded like a laxative.
  11. I believe one burial cist ended up at the British Museum and then no record could be found. For us in Bedlington it would be of huge importance but at the British Museum just one of thousands.
  12. That is a book that should be worth money! Not that you would sell Foxy. An heirloom.
  13. Regardless of cost the road should have been 'Motorway' for years. Imagine the benefit in trade for us all. The debate on independence, could be said, to hinge on topics like this. Travel South at any stage over the last ten / twenty years and clearly the road building projects have cost squillions! Unfair advantage it seems to me! On the other hand you could say ' they have paved paradise and put up a parking lot' As Joni would say!
  14. Welcome Paul. The Scandals of the past bring our ancestors to life. It means we view them in a different light. Their stories can be the ones that are inspirational. Every generation has difficulties to overcome. Life and Love can all be challenging. Our school life , working life can cause us trauma and heartache. That is where the song 'you can't get me I'm part of the union' can help with a working life. In other areas we need good friends who are none judgemental. Sometimes the hardships challenge us but provide us with knowledge !
  15. Just remember HPW it is all 'Nay Bother' Everywhere else it seems to have become 'No Bother'
  16. This year was 'the Limits of Knowledge' If you are bored with life listen to the programmes on pod cast or when they are broadcast. Seriously great content. The New Generation thinkers are on at ten o clock at night ! Only twenty minutes but very thought provoking. Topics as diverse as Disraili to Beards. Canny Lass you must listen to 'Speech before Words' It is on the eleventh November at 22:45 the young man giving the talk is Will Abberley The Verb on a Friday night is always interesting. Next Monday at ten the programme is 'Flat Caps to Benefit Caps' There are also many programmes about politics. One comment was made about our region being defined by London. ie 'We are NE of London'
  17. I agree about the shopping centre. The history of the town is important for our area. The views from the Fish Quay are brilliant in my opinion.
  18. I agree with most of you analysis. The conclusion is the problem. A Distorted viewpoint is not merely the domain of the Labour Party.
  19. The truth is important. Two or more wrongs do not make something right. 'I lied because someone else did' is no answer. Changing the subject is a way of not answering the question. Politicians are the experts.
  20. I do not think you have been there recently Tonyp. I love the place , it has always been a special and important part of our life up here. It has changed a lot in recent years . It now has a thriving restaurant scene and has an amazing number of flats and houses to buy. The views of the Tyne Mouth , the Collingwood Memorial, even the Black Midden Rocks all have a special place in my heart and head.
  21. Brilliant book written by Mary Wade. I got the book to read from the Bedlington Library. The value of our library and the contribution this lady has made to our understanding of our history and heritage is beyond measure.
  22. Sadly the past has a future. Where are we being misled and why? Think of the effect on our area where all industry has ended. Our town has an unemployment problem. The vacuum created with no jobs is serious and damaging in my opinion. I would like to think there is an answer. The new build initiative and PFI, do not seem to be the answer. It would be great to see our country making 'Stuff' again. What we made in the past was generally considered well made and quality . Forget the arguments about who is at fault that is history but what can we do to secure future employment and a decent lifestyle for our children. Once again the past has a future. What can we learn and do to secure the future. Do any of the parties have an answer. Seems to me that all parties simply blame each other. The Trurh is important. Very sad when governments past or present feel the need to lie.
  23. The Old Low Light inside Clifford's Fort is now open as a cafe and heritage centre. Worth going for the history alone. The river changed course which resulted in the new Low and High Light buildings. There is an article in the Journal today.
  24. This was one of the questions allegedly asked by our MP. Either way the government line yesterday was not to answer and say similar things Fourgee. Have you ever thought about politics for a career. History has a way of judging outcomes regardless of argument and counter argument. Otherwise you have a pantomime response ! That is 'oh no he didn't ' 'oh yes he did' In this case as Margaret Thatcher is dead another argument is that she cannot defend herself therefore there is no case to answer! The question for today is, in my opinion, whether our country is better or worse because we have no coal mines.
  25. Alnwick has an amazing sports and leisure centre. Even a climbing wall. Today there were kids roller skating , swimming etc We need these facilities here in Bedlington. We did have them in the good old days. Humford for swimming and the Clayton for lots more including roller skating.
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