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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. W O W fantastic. All this from our little site with big ideas .
  2. Purely from a 'linguistic point of view' I do love our accent and dialect. Thanks Canny Lass for all your input. I have taken note or should I say 'listened'!
  3. Thanks Eggy Font of all knowledge. Seriously your good at finding out the inside, oops sorry the aerial, view
  4. Oops Thought I was supporting you! ie :- The people from Gosforth think people from Bedlington cannot say Hotel properly! I think how people speak is about communication simple! Everyone has a right to an opinion, even if you thinks they have not listened. What makes me tick & what my honest outlook is in life! Not sure whatever I said would be acceptable.
  5. I have not seen it from the air Canny Lass. Thanks for the comment, I must fly out soon. Mind you I do enjoy walking from ground level up and do not mind going round and round. Health and fitness maybe is an important part of the lady's charm to some people. The path of least resistance,or an up hill struggle.
  6. You need to say to them:- 'So what is wrong with that' Too posh for their own good.
  7. Right threegee so it is up to the Edinburgh Fringe this year to see Paxo. I do by the way agree with him on many issues. Age does change our way of thinking! I have always admired people who expressed opinions that had a universal truth at their heart. All too many politicians are slippery and only say what will get them votes . Publicity again is to get votes. Often they do not answer the question. Then get unpleasant to get their own way! Have you been to any council meetings in Bedlington lately!
  8. The shows start this week. They influenced my life with their humour. Watching their shows was memorable and quoting huge sections seemed the way forward.
  9. The History Society programme was found while clearing out the attic Micky. Look what else I found! Not sure in these days you could send a girl a present like this!!!
  10. You are in too deep threegee. My thoughts are far more simple if I like what someone says, then regardless of political party allegiance, I will feel free to comment. Russell Brand has a right as a comedian to be controversial but what he said in the Guardian seemed fair and legitimate. So much so that we questioned whether he had written it. Winding up Paxo was another issue !
  11. Wherever you are Tonyp Bedlington has and will continue to influence you.
  12. It would be great if there was an archive. The library in Newcastle may help but as a public interest story who knows what it would go under. They have all the old papers.
  13. I love that expression, now part of history! In Bedlington my favourite has to be 'Neh Bother' Used so often and so typically understated everything is no bother. People help each other. I think it sums up why we enjoy being from Bedlington and why wherever we live we take with us a little bit of kindness and humility.
  14. The good people of Bedlington loose out again. I feel we are climbing Everest without a hope in hell. Doctor Pit park is no compensation. Where is the will to change! Somewhere there has to be another lady like Ellen Mitchell who knows how to change things for the better. No self interest !!
  15. Good luck with the council meeting tonight. Well done to all who put themselves out to help our town find the right path forward.
  16. I am pleased it has stirred some memories Vic. At a certain age it is nice to remember your old friends and fellow pupils. Although I have to admit some names escape me.
  17. Whatever your views the film gives a reason or two why poverty makes or can make people look for a better future. The Catholic Church is not seen in a good light. Mans inhumanity to man. I do not hold extreme views but with any interest in history you can see how power can corrupt, and the poor inevitably suffer. With what is happening in the World it is very interesting to see people often choosing an extreme form of government. You read reports of people preferring life under the communists . The Stasi it seems kept some sort of order that stopped a lot of petty crime. Now the super rich have the upper hand, it seems there is no answer that I can see. Maybe all we can do is dream both internationally and locally. Our town could change given the right people to carry forward that change. No self interest but the interests of our dear town.
  18. Well this might be of interest.
  19. What a brilliant new leaflet Malcolm. Where can we get a copy!
  20. Tonyp you must go and see Jimmy's Hall a film by Ken Loach. Then you might understand your mother. Difficult times mean difficult choices. The establishment or the people with power often do not understand. However we are all able to understand when something is unfair.
  21. Worth a visit. They have found two statues and investigated the story of the Wild Man.
  22. Good Luck let us know how it goes and that you are safe after the demolition
  23. Maybe bring back some memories of the late 50s
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