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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Initially thought to be Lower Sixth but now believed to be c1960 - Upper Sixth. Names from No 12 - Brenda Smith.
  2. Photo & names from Linda Mehaffey- Facebook group Bygone Bedlington. I reckon the year is c1966 as No 13 is my cousin who was born in 1960.
  3. No idea - did you see the reply from Ovalteeny and me in your previous post on Choppington United?
  4. @HIGH PIT WILMA - Trevor posted another winter shot on the Facebook group and I added your photo to it. Trevor responded with :- Trevor Gregg Excellent, Russell Hogg ex Joiner who became a Shaftsman and after Bates became a Shaftsman at Ashington working for me.
  5. And a winter shot, from a similar position to High Pit Wilmas, from Trevor Gregg on the Facebook group Friends of Bates Colliery.
  6. @Coatsy - see above from Ovalteeny. If you are on Facebook then there is a group under Choppington. I am not a member of that group but I have been in touch with the Admin - Brian Jenkinson - and I copied your two comments into the message I sent him. Brian did not say that he had info that you are after just suggested you join the group and he may be able to help.
  7. @Ovalteeny - any help you can give to help @Coatsy?
  8. And a winter shot, from a similar position to High Pit Wilmas, from Trevor Gregg on the Facebook group Friends of Bates Colliery.
  9. And a winter shot, from a similar position to High Pit Wilmas, from Trevor Gregg on the Facebook group Friends of Bates Colliery.
  10. @Coatsy - I know there are a couple of members that have delved into the history of the Bedlington Football teams and I believe the most info they found was from the Northumberland Archives = the old newspaper records held at the Woodhorn Colliery Museum. https://www.northumberlandarchives.com/ Phone 01670 624 358 archives@northumberland.gov.uk Woodhorn Museum - Address: QEII Country Park, Ashington NE63 9YF Phone: 01670 624455
  11. Update to No' 35 from Irene Meins - Facebook group Bygone Bedlington.
  12. The Top Club was the last time the building was used and there have been many posts on various sites about what has been planned for it. I think the info @Andy Millne posted some plan drawings a couple of years ago was last I saw on it. I haven't searched the NCC web site planning applications lately as you spend ages going through all the documents and then months down the line everything is rejected . This time I will just wait and see what happens. I can't find Andy's post so suspect it has been closed down. Never knew when it was build Bill but Just found a photo from when it was up for sale and there is a date - 1777 - inscribed above the door :-
  13. Just spotted this article from May this year :- https://www.newspostleader.co.uk/news/politics/council/new-hotel-could-bring-45-jobs-to-bedlington-116603?fbclid=IwAR0jD70wvZZmnpII8CO6_G5_axRCbsWC9UKviULErCipyt1dK7xD4byHssI
  14. @Maggie/915 - posted your Bedlington History Society 2019/2020 info on the Bedlington Facebook groups.
  15. @HIGH PIT WILMA - the only response from Trevor Gregg after I posted your comments was :- Trevor Gregg Yes I remember the 3/4 well, pulling white coated dried up boots from my locker then coating them with boot grease before going underground
  16. @HIGH PIT WILMA - passed your comments on to Trevor
  17. @HIGH PIT WILMA - posted on the Friends of Bates Colliery Facebook group by Trevor Gregg : - ' Here is a photo I took from the top of the No 3 Shaft Headgear on a cold but beautiful winters day' Trevor didn't specify a date.
  18. Photo from Maureen Webster, Bygone Bedlington Facebok group, and names from Maureen & Susan Simpson
  19. Wiser, and richer Bill. I will copy & paste your response to Bill McKenna who it was asked the question :- ' Malcolm Mckenna Wat parts of the pit was that ???? and I am positive Bill McKenna will also be wiser and richer. Cheers Bill. Hide or report this
  20. Full payment must be made by the 1st December 2019.
  21. East Bedlington Community Centre 16 & 17 Station Rd, Bedlington NE22 7JN Full payment must be made by the 1st December 2019.
  22. East Bedlington Community Centre 16 & 17 Station Rd, Bedlington NE22 7JN
  23. @HIGH PIT WILMA - photo posted by John Dawson on the Facebook group - Past Times History of Bates - an aerial view from Bates 1933. I see Cambois, Ashington & Pegswood had the same concrete structure the man in the Bates image is standing on. What exactly was this type of 'concrete tower' built for ?
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