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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Now 3 - I'm singing and dancing in the rain Doobe Do Do, Doobe Doobe Do Do, what a glorious feeling I'm happy again, just singing and dancing, in the rain, Doobe Do Do, Doobe Doobe Do Do
  2. Bedlington Mechanics - 1950's - photo from Helen Millar - looking for names of anyone in the team :-
  3. No 12 not George Duff but Keith Annikin - says Shep and Margaret Scott off bedlington remembered facebook group
  4. No 22 in this photo :-
  5. From the album: Bedlington Station Secondary Modern School

    Photo from Maureen Hill (No 26) Facebook Bygone Bedlington group.
  6. Names updated @Jan - on here and sixtownships. @Rigger - I don't know about Wake's the butchers at Newbiggin but they did have the butchers at the Oval shops in Bedlington, 1950's-60's, and I think they lived above the shop when Kingsley was at the Bedlington Grammar school = late 50's to early 60's.
  7. ....and then after I posted this topic + image I see they are trying harder to get my attention - two notifications, I'll have to go incognito
  8. And I was hoping to move on from that 'Tag' after it popped up a couple of days ago. I see, today, I am still that person :-
  9. No promises, and this could take ages and provide nothing, but there are a couple of names in the list that I think I have seen commenting on the Bedlington Facebook groups. It could just be people with the same name of course, but one gets nowt for not trying. Jim Hardy - last posted on Facebook - Bygone Bedlington group - September 2017 Is this the Bobby Bell you knew HPW?
  10. I couldn't remember the photo HPW and when Colin Sim commented with an update that he thought No 10 was Bill thingy-me-bob and I had this feeling that the lad in the open neck shirt and a quiff might just have been HPW so that's why I kept nagging you to have a look - - bugger
  11. Another photo from @John Fox (foxy) that was posted on Facebook back in 2015 :- And according to Joyce Scott (really it's Shep from Burnside using his partners Id) on the Facebook Bedlington remembered site answering a question :- how long has jakes bar been derelict - he replied - 'Originally it was Thompson Stores many moons ago, but prior to Ivan having it, it was run as a cafe by a local lass who still has family around the station although she died.'
  12. @HIGH PIT WILMA - this one is in the Westridge album but you may have missed it - have you seen it before and do you know who No 10 is? Colin Sim (Facebook - Bedlington Remembered) says - No 10 is Bill (William) thingy-me-bob
  13. Just been back to check the positions but the vote has closed and I can't find anything on the site to say who came top - just that the voting is now closed 😥 https://www.buildbase.co.uk/pitch-in-your-support
  14. Arlene Anderson on Facebook - Bedlington Remembered commented - No 19 = Ann Blackburn & No 20 = Ivy Elliot
  15. @moe19 - my apologies - I hadn't full read the all the comments - I must pay more attention
  16. @HIGH PIT WILMA - have you seen this one?
  17. Another posting by John Krzyzanowski has this newspaper article on Hay & Hindmarsh Supermarket - 1949?? I have no recollection of where Hay & Hindmarsh had there shop(s) - will Foxy have a photo with this shop in?
  18. Beadnell's - this is a comment posted by John Krzyzanowski, on Facebook Bygone Bedlington site :- This photo is of the row of 4 shops that were compulsory purchased in 1970 and demolished to make way for the roundabout in front of the Red Lion. The shops were Beadnell's a grocer shop that had been there since 1880. Although they got compensation the owner also lost her house. The next shop was Watsons a Newsagent, they also had a shop on Glebe Bank which they lived above, it was also demolished. They had been in business there since 1836. The other two shops were Robinson's a printers and Brentons a fruit shop. Great progress that wasn't it. 1970's "let's pull it down". Let's hope we aren't revisiting those times nearly 50 years later. I'm sure the Roundabout could have been slightly smaller and did we really need a dual carriageway ? A couple of ladies I know, who worked there in the late 60's, say it was a forerunner to the Supermarket = a 'Self-service' store. A compilation of Beadnells :-
  19. It keeps us oot a mischief HPW - wat wud wi de withoot thw www - just keep pressing and guessing and we will get there in the end - I din't recognise myself on the one and only senior school photo that was sent to me!
  20. Names updated - @HIGH PIT WILMA - Colin Sim, on Facebook Bedlington remembered site, says No 6 & 12 are not Jim Bradley or Tommy Tyler as they were both in his year that followed this lot.
  21. @Ovalteeny has been doing some research on Bedlington Mechanics team and whilst searching old newspapers he noticed this photo in the Morpeth Herald - 1954 and posted this comment on social media :- Whilst starting out on my task to try and discover more facts and photos in relation to Bedlington Mechanics F.C. I went to the local library today and accessed the British Newspaper Archives. Looking at old copies of The Morpeth Herald this photo randomly came up and I recognised it from this site. So, I can now confirm it was an annual match played between Bedlington Ex-Servicemens Club and Bedlington Social Club (i.e the Top and Bottom Clubs) on 16th. April (Good Friday) 1954. Unfortunately there were no names aligned to the photo, but the result was Ex-Services Club 4 - 2 Social Club. Text on the photo updated :-
  22. @Joe McNally- I didn't attend St. Bedes but Alex Third - No 3 in the photo - was my mate and the same age as me - I was born Oct 1948. I know when we were teenagers I met the lad 'Stash' = No 4, a couple of times. A big lad for his age and I think his christian name was Stan and I think he had a polish surname.
  23. Anne Donaghy (Facebook) - thinks Nos 6 & 7 are the Riley twins.
  24. No 31 - Eileen - has given us some more names, 29, 34 & 40 + a list of possibles that we can't link to a face - yet
  25. -posted on Barrington Facebook group
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