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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. There is another album, that includes this photo with names. Direct link to the other album is :-
  2. until
  3. @Linray & @lynnewatson unfortunately there has only been a very small amount of info on the Old factory posted on this group. You would require access, that I don't have, to the 1911 & 1921 national census records to check out the house/flat numbers and the names of those who lived there.
  4. @Linray if you enter the phrase - "old factory" -, with the quotation marks, into the search facility at the top right hand corner of the screen the system will return all the postings/comments that contain that phrase. You will see a few as -old factory - has been used a few times like the following that @Canny lass posted in the 'Cobbledicks Shop ?' topic :-
  5. No 20 named by Ann Dickie - Cambois FB group.
  6. until
  7. until
  8. until

  9. until
  10. until
  11. I see affordable housing as a two bedroomed terraced house where the mortgage, normally around £100,000, would be cheaper than the cost of renting a similar property. So in todays market a first time buyer would have to have a £5,000 deposit + solicitors fees etc. to buy an affordable house.
  12. until
  13. until
  14. until
  15. until
  16. @Canny lass - I was hoping Robert Moreland would have come back with some info but he hasn't responded
  17. After the Extraordinary full council meeting yesterday. that Malcolm Posted on June 16th I don't suppose the council will have any money to send a group of councillors down to Barnstable, North Devon (unless there is another Barnstable) to find out how it's done.
  18. Will it ever happen - Tuesday, 28 June 2022 Councillor Alex Wallace urges Northumberland Conservatives to take a trip to Barnstaple to change their minds about Bedlington Leisure https://anorthernviewofpolictics.blogspot.com/2022/06/councillor-alex-wallace-urges.html?spref=fb&fbclid=IwAR3MOaLES5SWKwiIgDHWj6MPPAxOyGgzde5Ei-dcc0up76Nqwsqq1DQVN8E
  19. until
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