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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @James the members can't delete, photos or text, of any entry, including additional comments, we have saved. You have to ask Admin to delete entries. So you have to request Admin to delete - use the '@' in front of Admins name tag= @Andy Millne Note - you have to start with the @ and start typing the name immediately after the @ and a list of names will appear below the name you are typing. When you see the name you are after appear, select it and the full name highlighted will appear.
  2. Bedlington's airey houses no longer exist. Built between the late 1940's and early 1950's. As far as I know there were only four streets of airey houses built in Bedlington. Waverley Drive - numbers 43 to 78 airey houses. Numbers 1 to 42 traditional red brick. Coquetdale Place. Tosson Close. Steadlane Square - numbers 1 to 14 and numbers 27 & 28. Numbers 15 to 26 traditional red brick. The work to demolish the airey houses and rebuild in traditiol brick started c2009.
  3. @Andy Millne just wondering if the default setting for new members could be to receive a notification = email that a member has responded to any comment that new member has made. I have noticed there have been a number of cases where new members have made a comment and although a reply, follow up question etc. has been made by myself and other seasoned members there has been no response from the new member😞. Naturally if new members didn't want to be notified we could have a set of instructions, in the 'Introduce Yourself - Members Only' topic, so notifications could be cancelled. Eggy
  4. The wife must have asked me to do some DIY, 4 years ago, and I have just finished - names updated on a slightly better copy of the photo posted on the Barrington group.
  5. 1. What is the supreme goal of Buddhists? Answer = 2. Who composed the tune to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? Answer = 3. On which farm did Worzel Gummidge live? Answer = 4. By what name was the popular wrestler Shirley Crabtree better known? Answer = 5. Who hosted the radio quiz show Have a Go? Answer = 6. In which Middle Eastern city is the Dome of the Rock? Answer = 7. In Greek mythology what did the gods eat? Answer = Nectar & Ambrosia 8. What was Barbara Castle’s home constituency? Answer = 9. What is a Laxton Superb? Answer = 10. What is the Church of England’s smallest administrative unit? Answer = Parish 11. At which university did Prince Charles study? Answer = Cambridge 12. What is the usual colour of the flight recorder in a modern aircraft? I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The desert rat can have sex as many as 122 times per hour. Answer = I didn’t.
  6. Most of the time it's trying to find the right info for the old photos. Any member can add comments to each photo posted. In most of the albums the members can only comment on existing entries and only the member that created the album can add new entries. This album has been setup so that any member can add new photos as a separate entry.
  7. It might still end up at Blyth. I don't think they know there ar** from their elbow. This is the plan BritishVolt have online showing where the new battery/gigaplant is to be built - they say on the old Blyth (Cambois) Power Station site. From what I can make out the plan they have drawn is where Cambois pit and the pit rows used to be.
  8. 1. How many sides has a parallelogram? Answer = 2. Which country won the 1998 World Cup? Answer = 3. What sort of creature is a Whirligig? Answer = 4. Which US duo asked us to Walk Right Back in 1961? Answer = 5. Which two nations fought at the Battle of Agincourt? Answer = 6. From which fruit is the spirit Kirsch made? Answer = 7. In which discontinued event did Ray Ewry win his ten Olympic gold medals? Answer = 8. Which dictator ruled Portugal from 1932 to 1968? Answer = 9. Who wrote the novels Animal farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four? Answer = 10. Which word is spelled correctly: existence or existance? Answer = Spell checker says Existence. 11. What is the name of the dog in The Wizard of Oz? Answer = 12. Which part of your body would suffer from trichosis? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The Spanish word ‘esposa’ means both ‘wife’ and ‘handcuffs’. English gets the equivalent word ‘spouse’ from the same Latin source. Answer = I didn’t
  9. I like ned Stewart, middle back row, never mind the photo opportunity get me beer topped up👌
  10. By the time I'm 80 years old I think I will have to buy a mobile😇
  11. Unfortunately Margaret most of the members, like myself, that comment on this group no longer live on the town. We didn't leave the town because we didn't like it we simply discovered a new life elsewhere but joined this group to keep in touch with the town and the people we grew up with.☺️ Have you been checking on the size of the town, the population, the facilities, what's near by etc.?
  12. The Pit Heap where both the Doctor Pit and the 'A' pit dumped their mining waste. This image isn't to scale but it shows the two pits and the area where they dumped the mining waste. This shows the Pit H from the other direction, Moorland Avenue, Bedlington Station. This one shows some of @John Fox (foxy)'s photos when they started to reduce/landscape the Pit Heap after part of Bower Grange, Bedlington Station had been built. Then and Now compilation.
  13. @JosephineFunderburk - do you mean you would like to contact Lewis Barker who posted the photo of the John D Dindall silver plate? If so then you would have so search Facebook, where the photo was posted and 'Shared' from and see how many Lewis barker's there are and see if you can identify the one that posted the photo. The only clue we have is that this Lewis Barker could live in Ashington - but nobody, that I am aware of, has searched for him.☺️
  14. Photo from Simon Williams, Cambois Facebook group, and names from the Cambois and Bygone Bedlington Facebook group members.
  15. Yep - Simon posted it on the Bygone Bedlington group as 'Bedlington & Cheviots ( I added the text to his photo.) Simon is always taking photos of the town - he lives on Church Lane, across from St Cuthberts. You will have seen a couple of these before - compilation of just a few of Simon's photos that he has shared with the Bygone Bedlington members. The one in the middle was taken from outside the Red Lion - the green bus shelter on the left is the one on Front Street West at the Top End and the building underneath the tree on the right is the chemists on the corner opposite the Northumberland Arms and behind the trunk of the tree on the left is the Howard Arms.
  16. So after -40c a day sitting on a stool, on ice, with your rod dangling into a cold lake must be feel quite warm🙃 Is this on a massive frozen lake with lots of people Vic?
  17. 1. Which range of hills stands on the border between England and Scotland? Answer = Cheviots 2. If you ordered pollo in an Italian restaurant what would you get? Answer = 3. Which team game has the positions first defence, in home and second attack? Answer = 4. In the castle of which West Yorkshire market town was Richard II murdered? Answer = 5. Who wrote The Forsyte Saga? Answer = 6. A musket ball fired from the French ship Redoubtable killed which famous Englishman? Answer = 7. What type of monkey is used as an organ grinder’s monkey? Answer = 8. What was Hilary Clinton’s job prior to entering politics? Answer = congressional legal counsel 9. Which former player tried to buy Celtic football club in 1998? Answer = 10. What is the name of the earth’s outer layer? Answer = 11. In Cockney rhyming slang what is meant by ‘dickory dock’? Answer = 12. What does the acronym UNESCO stand for? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Two million pigs are used in the manufacture of Spam each year. Answer = I didn’t – that’s a
  18. CL - looks like the Top End library was just a small branch of the Station Library had had a limited selection. Some of the comments from the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group where I posted the postcard :-
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