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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @Symptoms & @Jammy - I've been trying to find an old photo of the Co-op building on Station Street as I was going to add photo + info into the album on page 2 of Historic Bedlington>Old Photos of Bedlington 2. I can't find an old photo/postcard just showing the building so I will be posting an old postcard of Station Street + some google street view images of the Co-op building. Jammy - your right in that it was Cramlington Co-op on Station Street. My mother-in-law, from Nelson Village, Cramlington, used to work there in the late 1930's - early 1940's. I don't know when it ceased being Cramlington Co-op. I always remembered it as the Dole/Unemployment Office in the early 1960's. The Dole office was on the 1st floor (I can't remember the ground floor being in use in the 1960's - but it could have been 🙃) and that's where I first 'Signed On' in 1965 when first leaving school. The library building on the corner of Station Road & Jubilee Terrace, next to the Bedlington Co-op (or was it called the Blyth Co-op back in the 1960's) used to be the colliery school and there is info and photos in the album - Bedlington Station (Sleekburn) 1st School, started pre 1858. An old school mate - Janice Metcalf - gave me a photo of her mam at the school in c1938. By then the old colliery school had been extended. In the 1960's I knew the building as the library and the lace where the school meals were made.
  2. 1. Which actress played Basil Fawlty’s wife in Fawlty Towers? Answer = 2. Which model replaced the Vauxhall Victor in 1975? Answer = 3. What name is given to a reusable spacecraft such as Columbia or Challenger? Answer = 4. Prior to 1810 where in London was all British coinage made? Answer = 5. Which element has the atomic number 1? Answer = 6. Born with the surname Fluck, which popular British actress died in 1984? Answer = 7. In what year was Princess Margaret married? Answer = 8. What type of aircraft crashed over Lockerbie? Answer = 9. Sb is the symbol for Antimony. True or false? Answer = 10. Which medical device was invented by Dr Rene Laennec to preserve the modesty of female patients? Answer = 11. Who was the tallest of Robin Hood’s men? Answer = 12. With which hand does Def Leppard’s drummer, Rick Allen play the drums? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Lettuce is the only vegetable that is not sold frozen, bottled, processed or pre-cooked. Answer = I didn’t
  3. The text is from page 13 of the booklet on Bedlington from The Village Hoistory Series by Stephen B. Martin
  4. Cheers James - I've deleted the cropped photo from my collection, cleaned me specs, and used the full photo with all 6 rows
  5. Bedlington Station Co-op Google Street view 2018 Station Road - Google Street View 2016
  6. Photo from Sandra Dixon Drakesmith - posted on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group with the comment :- 'My grandmother Alice Hogg with her mother Jane Alice Straker b.1879 ... they lived in Telephone Row, Bedlington.' A member of the group, John Ashford, repaired the photo :-
  7. @HIGH PIT WILMA - a member on the Blyth facebook group, Deborah Moody Dinsley, reckons No 6 is Alan Moody. What do you think for No 6 - Andy Sanderson or Alan Moody?
  8. Update from Bob Boyd - No 8 not David Sanderson - it's Bobby Foster - Nah she's mistaken I went through 3/4 to Brass thill to Westoe with Bob.
  9. @HIGH PIT WILMA - photo posted, with 6 names, on the Blyth Remembered Facebook group by Deborah Moody Dinsley on behalf of No 7 Lol Riley. I posted the photo, with names, on the Friends of Bates Colliery group - Tony Oates and Bob Boyd have named the 4. They also commented Tony Oates 1 Michael Thompson sadly passed away last year
  10. ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️ ☺️
  11. I'm still clarting around but haven't found anything, other than the 'Auto Sign in' & 'Check Passwords', in Settings that I could suggest updating. Roll on next time I go into a room and think - why did I come in here - I might get a light bulb moment.
  12. Norma Agnew, Bygone Bedlington group, has named Jean Hope.
  13. Ooops - must have been in a hurry and selected my group of photos to upload without noticing the football photo among them and then after moving the quiz ones into their places just ignored the left over one - must try harder
  14. No 2 named by John Maureen Douglas - Bygone Bedlington group.
  15. @John Fox (foxy) - would you add your photos of the demolition of the rows to the entry for Doctor Terrace. @James - are there any images of Telephone Row, New South Row and Cross row in the books you have? I have searched on the local Facebook groups but can't find any photos showing the houses or back lanes.
  16. @Andy Millne :- is there something saved on this site when a machine + the operating system connects to the site? Could there be an old operating system associated with CL's login that is resulting in her having to input login details from her upgraded system.🙃
  17. No's 1 identified as Joe Stewart by his younger brother James and No 2 identified by ? Riches who played for BGS with No 2 & 12.
  18. Pauline Thompson & Hazel Douglas - Bygone Bedlington group, have named No 1 & No 7.
  19. Photo from Lesley Todd - Barrington Facebook group. Can anyone come up with the missing names?
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