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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. lol, that would require some sooping up to get to this category!
  2. Next to the terrier Splodgie! If your gonna get clever, get the facts right! :D And yeah, probably!, can you believe its been over a year now? This is what happened to my latest 'supercar' (arf arf!) Now, get with the program! whats your idea of the greatest supercar???
  3. I'd have to rip off a fair few people on That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds to afford that! Here's to a lucky quid on the lottery!
  4. Mr Darn

    Xbox 360 Vs Ps3

    Me either! lol. Nice way to introduce yourself tho i suppose
  5. Probably, but it would do me.
  6. Mr Darn

    Jade Goody

    If i had a way to make sure i left my family financially secure after i leave, i'd do it too. The added bonus of raising awareness for cancer sufferers is simply that... a bonus! I for one, never realised how bad it gets, or how fast it comes. Now i have a sniff of it. Good on you Jade.
  7. Come on MrsVic! Get a wiggle on!
  8. just where in the world is this "average" taken? take an average temp in bedders, then one in crete, and i'll bet theres more than a few degrees difference!
  9. I'm a man of simple tastes. Should i win a substantial ammount, i'll be getting an Audi: This one is the one that featured in Iron Man. Its what i like, so there!
  10. Now i know your telling fibs! No bar in bedlington would serve me spirits!
  11. I must have missed the part of this conversation that was to do with take-aways...
  12. I actually agree, although it is a little pricey. Very nice setting with friendly staff, and good food to boot.
  13. That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds!
  14. Certainly a step up from a mountain bike!
  15. I see an end to free bank accounts coming then! Banks used people who could not manage their finances well (myself included) as a money spinner, making them thousands if not millions of pounds per week. once this income stops or is reduced, they will look to other ways to make money from us. Advanced accounts are nothing new, with most banks charging upwards of £5 per month for their benifits, but there was always a free basic option. alas, i think this will be soon no more
  16. Whilst playing today, my nephew put his bike down to help my son retrieve a ball from a hard-to-reach place. some lad walking past just picked it up and rode off on it! 3 hours later, and some cunning detective work later, the lad was found, bike returned, although it was missing its lights. The lad also lost 3 of his shirts! It just goes to show, it dont matter what locks you have, it takes two seconds for someone to relieve you of it, and from what i hear, it's on the up!
  17. i'd just like to point out..... they are all instances of BAD service in the first place!!! As for good service, i went into Tesco's the other day, got 2 bottles of wine, just to be told it was 3 for 2. the girl shouted on another colleague, who promptly, and with a smile, got the 3rd bottle for me, then walked me to the front of the store chatting. Thats what i call good service.
  18. Actually, reading back, it did seam to get that way. I appologise if you took personal offence, i just dont like getting it in the neck defending this site when in the pub because of comments with no backup about bedlington. People are quick to damn the place, but when asked for factual reasons why, fall on their face most times. I took it too far, and i'm sorry. Just remove the personal bits from my comments, the rest, about Npower and how they should not be able to sleep, still stand.
  19. Mr Darn

    Jade Goody

    i was replying directly to the prisioner question, sorry if you cot me wrong Fair comment, but i still stand by it. you mean we actually went off topic??? :D Seriously tho, yes, its a crying shame. if its something the doctors have overlooked, and was curable when they 'should' have spotted it, then thats even worse. I really do feel for the girl. I'd hate that type of news on my doorstep. And i should be allowed to drive to work coz its icy, and i'd hurt myself walking. Sorry, still completly disagree. The punishment is there for a reason, and he should suffer. If she chooses to be with someone that allows himself to be tagged, then she has to live with it also. Last i'm saying on the matter, Back to Jade.
  20. The PS2 works well on its side, why wont this? Get a complaint in Cympil!
  21. Mr Darn

    Jade Goody

    I disagree, should he re-offend, i would be highly annoyed. He's locked up for a reason, and should stay till his times done.
  22. No, i dont sleep well at night. i hate the company i work for, but like you, i have bills to pay. As you know, if the freezer fails in my delivery vehicle, i tell the customer... even tho i could get wrong for it. then its up to them to make a decision. Did YOU know, that the average traveling time from ASDA to bedlington is also above the reccomended defrost times, so, flying straight bac atcha...YOU could be responsible for poisioning YOUR OWN FAMILY! Now, about this company that employs people who "need a degree in lack of social skills, education and language. " the people in this thread are speaking from experience, and giving their opinion of services rendered. your just generalising and slagging off a town full of perfectly good employers.
  23. Mr Darn

    Jade Goody

    It sounds awful, and i know a few that are affected by this, but i stand by it. he's done wrong, and he should be made to serve his sentance. Thats the whole point of it being a deterrent. It should not be relaxed. Would you release a prisoner to spend the night? i think not! i sympathise, but if it had been me, i wouldnt have even asked! but thats me.
  24. not at all, but slagging off local businesses is, and you STILL have not come up with an answer.
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