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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Mr Darn


    Excelent advice there monsta! thanks for the input! theres many reasons why these 2 programs wont work, but we need a bit more info sleepy. firstly, is this windows we're talking about? if so, which version? '98? ME? XP? Vista? it'll also help if you let us know which version of the operating system is installed, ie home, professional etc, and which service packs are installed, if any. If you need help finding out these details, post back and let me know, i'll take you thru it step by step. whilst your looking, check to see how much free space is on the harddrive your trying to defragment, as windows needs at least 15% free space to work. A step by step process of what you've tried so far will also help us locate whats going on. ie how your trying to start the defragmenter, and from what location in windows. Also let us know if there's been any hardware or software changes since this started occuring, such as new programs, or a RAM upgrade etc. Sounds like a lot, but i'm sure we'll solve this one for you!
  2. yeah, not many getting married these days.... ...plenty planning it, but not many go thru with it.
  3. i hate it when people know me but i dont know them! au contraire! as i stated, i too have bought cheep beer, but its sitting there going to waste. i'd much prefer a pint in a pub. me either, but the reason the pubs cant lower prices is because of the likes of punch. go back to the good old days of landlords actually owning the pubs and dealing directly with the breweries! you know, you'd think the likes of punch could afford to bulk buy beer, getting it cheaper, and selling it cheeper, not driving a stake thru the very heart of their enterprise! better to sell 20 pints at £2 than 10 at £2.50 is what i say!
  4. as explained before, i dont have any powers in this part of the forum, i was merely making an observation. i'll shurrup in future.
  5. It IS! i'd have put this in chat central tho. but thats just me.
  6. not all pubs! that would just be silly! i dissagree. the price of things at the moment is just unreal, and lots of people are strugling to make ends meet, never mind pay for an overpriced pint! i agree on this point, everyones diffrent, and looks for diffrent things in their social life. i prefer a bar with more than 3 people in it. its my preference. i agree, the likes of punch are doing themselves out of alot of trade with their high prices and ways of doing business. EG: i worked in a bedlington bar that had a new guinnes pump fitted. the nice guinness guy gave us a pack of beer mats and towels, and some t-shirts for the staff to wear. then, when he asked why we never had these anyways, he was shocked to hear that Punch CHARGED the pubs IT OWNED for these items. Imagine how shocked we were when informed punch recieves the stuff it sells landlords FOR FREE from THIS VERY SAME BLOKE! Guinness have always gave their premotional gear away for free to the likes of punch, and punch cant wait to rip the eyes out of anyone who's stupid enough to sign up for one of their so-called 'deals' I dissagree. Theres nothing like going out with the lads down the street for a few beers and a few games of pool. yes, the occasional night in/barbeque is nice every once in a while, but its the price of the drinks IN pubs that keep people out of pubs, not how much they can get a few cans from the supermarket. i have several cases of lager in my house, i have done since new year, and i've only drank 4 cans in that time. I prefer to go out, even if that does mean i have to stay in for the other 3 weeks of the month whilst i save for it. And countless more are the same as me! Pints at £2.50 were only ever heard of in newcastle in the days when the pubs were packed! Lower the prices, and you'll get more customers. that guy down south proved that point when he started serving the cheepest pint in england and changed a struggling pub into one that was packed every night of the week.
  7. Unfortunatly i'm not the groveling type, but i do have a sence of right and wrong, and me showing my face in there would, in my eyes, be a slap in the face for all concerned. Plenty more pubs to enjoy (at the moment!) Many of the regulars are members, it was Sarah's father and Ian whom i was talking too. I think pubs closing may actually be a good thing. this would concentrate the drinkers who frequent bedlington (who are at the moment, spread out amongst loads of pubs) congregate in the few pubs that are left behind, creating a better atmosphere and perhaps entice more to come out! i return to my previous statment, if the pubs had more of an atmosphere, we would! the reason the club is doing so well in the poll is because it's cheep, and has a good atmosphere. Were in the middle of a credit crisis, and £2.60 a pint is just too rich for my budget, except on an odd occasion once a month. Now, should there be an offer of £1.50 a pint for cheep piss in a glass, i'd be there every night, £10 note in hand and a shiny 50p piece in my pocket!
  8. Technically, no. i have been told i can go back in, as long as i go see her first, but i think it'd be best me staying away. and...before anyone asks, i was a bad lad on my birthday night out and ended up taking something i shouldnt have. all was returned, and pennance was paid, but i'm far too embarressed about the whole thing to show my face in there.
  9. ooo, i may have to have a toddle along to see whats happening! gonna check the woodhorn website now, see if theres more info...
  10. he wont drink anything else unless its a spirit! strange these old blokes set in their ways!
  11. Well, i've heard most of the rumors, and i drink in the place. Heard nothing official, and they never asked me for any money. i will say tho, for threegee, that it was quoted in the bar that "the bedlington website is full of people with less brain cells than (i forget the rest exactly, but if it comes back, i'll insert it) " you get the general gist tho. i doubt, unless BLOB starts working there again, that they will use this website as a tool for advertising, even if it is free. they simply do not rate the people or comments here high enough to bother with.
  12. ooo, a touch of origionality there! one more thing, i dont moderate these sections Nice try tho ;)
  13. lol, instantly made me think of these two posts:
  14. do you have your browser set to deny cookies, or you delete cookies on a regular basis? this, perhaps, may explain why you dont see things like the rest of us...
  15. 6 years? how long you been 25 for???
  16. why you so keen to get me out of bedders like? i was bliddy here first!!!
  17. I'd rather she moved in with me, i've fell into that bloody trap and ended up with nowt too many times! i'm too much of a soft !*!@# lol i used to stay in youth hostels when i was younger, till the lad on the top bunk wet the bed one night... i never did go on another youth club excursion after that night!
  18. OOO, that would have been handy for you a year ago eh?
  19. Thats a bit harsh lyk Speaker could have been worse could have been after....
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