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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. I use NVidia myself, and i've had no real trouble with it, although it seems to be a common opinion that their driver writing ability's do need some work. apparently they have perfected the driver for Win 98SE this year tho...
  2. I'm not sure exactly whats out there in the way of browsers, so i cant really do a poll on this. ones i know about are MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) Firefox Opera Aol (various editions, 9.1 being the latest i believe) MSN explorer (is this a one? i never used it.) Anyone know of any more?
  3. My favorite has to be Firefox at the moment. i changed to Firefox a long time ago because of browser hijacks and pop-ups from IE. I've been told IE has much improved these days, but Firefox ain't let me down so far, so thats what i stick with. Its annoying that Microsoft make you use their browser to download updates tho. and there should be an option in windows live to default to a browser of your choice when checking mail via the link. personally i have my mailbox bookmarked in Firefox now, but i shouldn't have too!!!!
  4. Welcome to the forums JackyMe! its a good topic, that will be well discussed, and has a place in our computer discussions forums. i realise you cannot post a new topic there, as you are not a member yet, and you wont be able to post a reply if i move it there, so i'll leave it here for a short while. Best idea would be to follow THIS LINK and register your FREE account! That way you can keep up to date on all that is happening in the members only forums, and contribute in the main 'computer' section. Hope to see you there!
  5. Mr Darn

    Usb Free View

    Thanks for that pete... an interesting one if there ever was one!
  6. not a clue, but the That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds and windows live ones are hard to convince... Passwords are fatal full stop. anyone who wants your password bad enough will find it. regardless of how random it is. Agreed. Simple facts, if someone wants to be in bad enough, and another person has access, they'll get in. same with cars, you can have the best security system available, but lose your keys and your history. Simply putting a value on the information, and protecting it with whats available in a price range you can afford, is about the best you can do. however, people with passwords such as 'password' 'god' and 'mrdarn' (ie your username) obviously dont value the information behind the password. My method makes it VERY hard to guess, as these words can simply be anything, with any number, even a series of letters that means something to you, but noone else, is a start. Whatever you'll remember. and it can be a mix of 5, 6 or even 10 words, depending on the end resulting password length!
  7. there are programs out there that will allow individual folders to be encrypted and passworded. this program must be on each computer that the files will be needed on. one that i use is AxCrypt. its free and does what i want it to do. in responce to threegee... i have a simple method for remembering passwords, yet my passwords are regarded very secure by sites that use security meters. in a simpler form, i take 2 5 digit words i'll remember, and a phone number. i type the first in caps, then return to the start, type the second in lowercase, inbetween each capital, then i insert the phone number inbetween each letter, so: apple, grape and 01670821234 becomes 0A1g6P7r0P8a2L1p2E3e4 via : "APPLE" back to the start and type grape, using the right arrow key between each letter: AgPrPaLpEe back to the start and type 01670821234, using the right arrow key between each letter: 0A1g6P7r0P8a2L1p2E3e4 Appologies to the user of tel no 821234... i just made it up!
  8. i have not read any transcript... i'm commenting on hear-say. is the transcript available to read online?
  9. criminal?? how so? the way i read it... brand HAS slept with his grandaughter....
  10. My 2 cents: i'm unsure of the actual facts about the situation, but isnt the show pre recorded? If so, the buck stops with the editor. If not then the buck stops with whoever allowed Russell Brand unmonitored air live time. I know for a FACT if i had a live radio station, i certainly would not allow the likes of brand on without monitoring it first. Comedians have to be spontaneous to be funny, and sometimes they go too far. this is a casualty of comedy, and the reason we have editors. Their job is basically to decide the line between funny and offensive, however blurred, and say yes or no to it being aired. i read somewhere that 60% of the things comedians record in studio gets cut out, because its just too offensive, and of the other 40% 15% has to be re-recorded to comply. Ross and brand were just doing their jobs, at the end of the day, and its down to the bigwigs who monitor them to decide what goes and what stays. even sachs has said, its not the phonecalls that bothered him, it was the fact they were aired that was over the top.
  11. something i was gonna mention was i remembered it having really big slopes on the roof... guess memory serves...at least a little...
  12. Lol, i just got that not too long ago via text message.... ...it dont take em long does it?
  13. or "woss branded sachs grandaughter"
  14. he wont be sacked! from what i heard, the BBC contacted the person concerned before broadcast, and he said he wasnt upset by the messages... ...it was broadcasting it that upset him lol they'll sort it out, ban brand from the BBC and call it a day with some better publicity.
  15. joe, with all due respect, i think you have the perfect system.... as you say, if you dont need all these high spec gadgets, why have them? If all your after is a browsing experience compiled with a letter writer, then there is no need for spending thousands of pounds on top spec machines, and more power to you for realizing it! reminds me of the advert, where it pans round a huge system with huge flat-screen monitor, 15 speaker surround sound system, neon lights and lots of cool gadgets, before panning all the way round to the screen, with the guy playing solitaire! Classic! my dad made a good point the other day... why dont they make a mobile that just has 12 keys, one for each number, a 'green phone' to answer the b$$%$% thing, and a 'red phone' to hang it up. None of these fancy letter sending thingies or t'internet, just a plain old phone you can ring your lass on when you've had enough to drink. Fair point made there too i think...
  16. perhaps, once i learn how to do the clever little doggy thing
  17. my computer came with norton pre-installed, and the recovery disk puts it back on too. when i asked if i could have the PC without norton i was told no, because they actually pay the store to include the software, and a norton free system would cost an extra £120. (for an XP disk) Took a LONG time to completly rid my machine of it, and even now i dont think its all gone... ..there's a little bit of norton still lurking somewhere!
  18. i cant remember actually being inside the place... ...i wonder if i ever was
  19. I think i mentioned elsewhere, its re-opened, with the owners of the Windmill in blyth either running it or looking after it. i know the 'run this pub' banner is still up tho...
  20. seconded.... ...motion passed.
  21. Personally i try to stay away from the bigger names, with the exception of Microsoft, but even them i'm considering leaving. the thing is, to keep their products new, they have to keep adding stuff. the older programs are now so full of cr@p i would believe you if you told me the programmers dont know what half the stuff is there for anymore... they just leave it there coz it still works. common examples are: Norton Windows AOL these programs are trying so hard to impress these days they are a HUGE drain on system resources, and take up lots of room installing themselves, all for a "not so brilliant" result in software form. i believe the main bulk of their problems comes from out-dated coding mixed with new ideas, when a complete rewrite could be a much better idea. (my opinion and nothing to back it up with...) it's a godsend when simple programs come along that do what they say on the box, like ccleaner. another good example is the VLC Media player. simple to use, and full of codecs, so you dont have to go hunting when WMP decides it wont play .avi files when loaded with vista. i like media players that play all the media you throw at them, anti-virus software that works with as little intervention from me as possible, and cleaners that actually clean, not make a big song and dance about something that it can do nothing about anyways. And if i can get it free, all the better. Rant over...for now!
  22. Who-hoo! second place! get in there boris! as for the weekend, can anyone answer this little conundrum? whats a pantie liner and a sunderland shirt got in common? (answers on a postcard )
  23. If you didn't keep sending me all those funny jokes via SMS i'd have taken offense to that!!! and no, it was annoying punters in the bars i worked in asking for food when theres a free buffet on that aged me so much
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