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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. your a woman? wow! its matterless really, but with a heading like "A FEEL A BIT THICK BUT" i thought i'd best be thorough...
  2. well, it certainly aint showing there! 2 reasons for that, 1, its knackered... (yes, its a technical term...) and needs replaced, 2, the driver needs reinstalled. if the drawer has been ripped off in the past, i would say it will need replaced. the good news is, dell spare parts are easy enough to come by, and its easily enough replaced. Just a case of knowing which screw to remove they start at about £5 depending on the model of the laptop. That online auction site that is in no way as good as Free Bedlington.co.uk Classifieds is a good place to start... If your getting someone to do it for you, this job should take no more than 30 minutes, so dont let them take your eyes out! Good luck!
  3. this may just be because your trying to access the wrong section... try again using the steps above. if this does not work, try accessing the drive by double-clicking the E: and see if you can find a setup file that way. SETUP.exe is normally a good place to start, and is normally at the base of the disk's "tree". (first screen;) )
  4. unfortunatly the drive you are accessing is the vista recovery drive, not the CDRom drive. it is not a physical harddrive, but a partition of your main harddrive you will know as your C:. this is a standard thing on microsoft vista, and is basically a copy of your windows setup at factory install to aid recovery of your system should it be required. this is a standard thing now, and is the reason you probably did not recieve an operating system disk with your laptop. if you access your 'computer' section (formerly "my computer" in previous windows versions), you will notice it looks off and on like this: C: being the main storage space and housing the operating system files, D: being the recovery section and your E: being your CDRom. try replacing D: in your setup procedure with E:. let me know how you get on
  5. if your talking about the 'run' command box, its been omitted by default on vista. 3 ways to get it up that i know of (ooo-err matron!) 1, hold the "Windows" key and tap [R] once. release the "windows" key. the windows key looks like this: 2, hold [ctrl] and[alt] and press delete. choose to run the task manager, click 'file' in top left and then 'run...' 3, right click the taskbar (the bit at the bottom where your start orb (button) is) choose 'properties' click the 'start menu' tab scrool down and check the 'run command' box click apply the Run command should now be listed in your start menu. Hope that helps, if not, try and be a little more clear with your question
  6. typical forum really! still, tho, it gives a good idea of what can be done. Well, it does me anyway....
  7. This issue is discussed on another forum in depth --->Here<--- if this link does not work, copy this into your browser window http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?p=1995414 I have not read right through the article, but at first glance a few methods seem to be discussed. Hope that helps!
  8. Worried was more the word....you not seen the film?
  9. Babe? The station is a seperate place altogether! i was in two minds about adding the terrier!
  10. Going no-where, just wanted to know where the people of Bedlington.co.uk liked to drink... 3 votes so far for 'Another pub that i missed' care to let us know which pub?
  11. It was a good pint still, but now the cellar refit has been done, its hard to fault at all! Guinness is top class
  12. Yeah..lets wait and see.... wasnt the market place all done not too long ago?
  13. Come on guys n gals, no singling out... who has the best pint? NOTICE, This poll is based on users using the bedlington website and does not reflect the actual punters using the bars. Multiple answers are allowed, as we all drink in many pubs. This is ment as fun, and in no way mentions pints tasting like piss. Please vote carefully, as voting without due care and attention can seriously damage your health.. No links with actual persons, alive or dead, were intended in this poll. Vote at your own risk. No Refunds given. No resale value. Vouchers defaced or marked will be deemed invalid. no monetary value. this poll does not contain nuts. this poll is safe for both vegetarians and vegans. Participation in this poll does not make you gay. All rights reserved. this poll has no sell by date as it is not for sale. Please drive carefully. Frozen fish fingers are considered a lethal weapon. please drink responsibly. Pregnancy tests are not considered a valid form of identification.
  14. Happy Birthday Mongo bud!
  15. Yeah, i can see why that would be a point.... Theres a few from the old forum not returned, and from the top of my head, all i can think of is Barlass... all the rest are not half as active as they once were... which is what i ment by moving on... I suppose part of it will be life taking over... The important things like looking after family and friends becoming more important than bitching on a forum. I know i'm only here for the humour value now, although i would like to see a more serious side to the place.
  16. lol, "wherever you like" isnt really a set place tho is it Well, if you cant beat 'em.....
  17. Some of us do know each other, others dont. some take the site seriously, some would like it to be serious, and some use it just for entertainment. I started out with a serious outlook to the site, unfortunatly now tho, most of the origional members have moved on, and everyone just seems to be out to pick a fight. Entertainment at its best! Its a shame. There was once a place for both....
  18. Some people have their routines, and according to doctors studys, it can be dangerous to interupt these routines... ...aint you seen Rain Man?
  19. If someone gets one of him actually IN the restaurant like the first post, i'll be more impressed!
  20. I think so, yes... This is exactly what i'm talking about tho. Alot of businesses will not put up with it, and it should really be kept to a section where it is allowed, not talk of the town. everyone likes a bit of laugh and carry on, and this forum is set up perfectly for it, having an announcements section for serious announcements, and TOTT for the serious discussion, along with chat central for completely and totally ripping the piss out of every letter and innuendo of the announcement. I just think you need the chat part kept completly seperate, where members who dont subscribe dont see it, and those that do realise its all a bit of fun, and not serious at all. De-ja-vou? Broken record springs to mind Sorry, i just like the site, and want to do what i can to make it better for all....
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