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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Just thought i'd let you know about a new site i found... http://www.footballexchangeonline.co.uk/ looks like the guys got a few good ideas going there, feel free to delete this post should this be inappropriate.
  2. Yup, another good prediction there pete!
  3. Plenty DOGS tho! (sorry, couldnt resist... they are all lovely specimens really!)
  4. i agree, but there would have to be something here for them to come see, i mean, i lived here all my life and it was only about 15 years ago i realised the bedlington terrier was really a dog!
  5. Try HERE pete, i've heard good things about the place... like this review EDIT: diddnt the Bedlington Terrier Pub do rooms once over?
  6. Well, that about explains it in a way that cannot be overlooked!
  7. I have, however, found THIS GUIDE should you feel in the tinkering fettle...
  8. Unfortunatly, if you are really that unsure about how they should be connected, i would suggest taking the tower to a repair shop who will do it for you for a few pounds. If it wasnt as easy as unplugging the old drive and plugging in the new one, chances are the new drive is a SATA drive, or your old drive was really old, and will require either a conversion cable or a replacement drive matching your connections. Always a bad idea to be fiddling around inside a computers case if your unsure of what you are doing tho, sorry!
  9. The answer is actually 'Language' Yes, i know it does not end in 'gry', but thats not what the riddle is asking for. it states: Although this is worded slightly more confusingly than the origional, i'm sure that is the answer.
  10. Jen, Have a look HERE this part of the forum was created especially for your question, even if it did get a little out of hand in places! If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!
  11. Well, i'll be! i think i'll have the Jack Daniels please also, i'd like to thatk my mum, dad and close family, my dog, coz she always stood by me, my next door neighbour, as without them the house next door would be empty, and my 5th grade english teacher for teaching me how to use "google".
  12. sunderland and villa were actually second names of fa cup goalscorers in the other two years... (that makes my answer Trevor Brooking....)
  13. Ta! as for sign in problems, they disapered after a while, but now my msn just signs in and out randomly. i traced it back to a faulty (i presume) dsl filter, as after replacing it, all is well.....
  14. also...is there a way you can ignore individual users?
  15. Anyone else experiencing sign in problems? i've tried disabling ssl1 in internet options and unticking the 'check for server certificate revocation' but for some reason i keep getting an error. error code: 81000306 using the messenger troubleshooter shows no problems, and the status says i'm connected to the .net messenger service. Any ideas?
  16. Mr Darn


    Where did you get my MSN pic?
  17. Mr Darn


    uninstall? dont you mean format? i dont "do" uninstalls! lol
  18. Crab from Cancer had me for a while then! Children
  19. Mr Darn


    www.avast.com and it quarentened it. stopped the !*!@# from doing its thing tho, and its fairly easy to delete once quarentined
  20. Mr Darn

    What Year

    i like the UFO above the howard... anyone else notice it?
  21. Mr Darn


    i cant fault Avast! Home edition... i submit hyjack this logs frequently, and have only once had a virus found, and that was just that daft msn thing that went round... which Avast! cleaned no problem. Cant ask for more from a free program...
  22. Mr Darn


    lol, i must admit, i dont reccomend it....
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