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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. it was in the bin down the street...
  2. sometimes... life is keeping me on my toes at the minute
  3. My own personal dictionary! ASDA
  4. Shopping (needed to releave the tension )
  5. yeah, i thought so too, so i asked about it. apparently it comes from the muckshifting game (driving earthmoving machines). when a lad was off sick he was "off the handles" (refering to the main controls of said machines) and when he retured, "Harry's back on the handles after his spell on the pat and mick..." Just incase anyone was wondering
  6. erm.... still got the method right tho...i was drunk at the time of posting!
  7. male genitailia (or is it just me that gets laughed at?? )
  8. well, i heard the roumors, but never believed them! kk back in charge! wish i'd put a fiver on that!
  9. no 1=3 o n e 2=3 t w o 3=5 t h r e e 4=4 f o u r 5=4 f i v e etc
  10. exactly... he'd be better off staying as he is, or going in as assistant. if he messes up, the last 15 years of fame with the toon will be severly tarnished... he wont be a "god" no more if he messes it all up... Then again, he could sucseed...
  11. Shearer in the sun! he says if approached, he would take the job on...... ...makes you think why he aint been approached yet eh? i personally think it would be a bad career move for him, but you never know!
  12. Hehe, got both of these via text yesterday, and got them both!
  13. you could do that either, if you like. i found i hit my upload limit quick tho, and my way i can share my pictures accross many sites, and not just this one. (yes, i know i just need to ask for more space! )
  14. Put a guide in the comp help section for anyone who is a little less confident with pc's...
  15. Microsoft and their registry edit! Pffft!
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