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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. second attempt and that 18th is deffo a pig! diddnt do well on the 3rd or 12th either, and i got a HIO on the 12th in the first attempt!
  2. Your not kiddin'! it has been mentioned that i may be one of them!!
  3. you not seen rex hunt? he kisses fish
  4. Good Call, always a good start to admit theres a problem, saves thousands in therapy... ...order me one whilst yours is on its way....
  5. I have heard that there is at least one !*!@# in every circle of friends.... if yours hasnt got one, Your it! Even if there is one though, it still dont rule you out! As far as my friends go, i believe i am the '!*!@# ' of them, and i respect all of them. And no, since i'm a trolley pusher, i dont have friends, or a !*!@# of my own to play with....
  6. LOL, yeah, coz thats what i do.... I never denied being a !*!@# , but i now see where the saying 'takes one to know one' comes from! Sad git!
  7. Oh, and LMAO at Fourgee™!!!
  8. I sometimes wonder why i lower myself to react to someone who had nothing better to do on valentines day than register on a forum... its a bloody name, get over yourself! i only added ™ coz Mr Darn was taken!
  9. Erm, no. i use ™ because its a trade mark.
  10. Actually, yes. mrdarn is my buisness name, and is registered as a trade mark for my company.
  11. So, let me get this right, skype is bringing out a mobile that will enable free calles over an internet connection? dont you pay for the connection anyway?
  12. Good call, i stand corrected! just i have made the same mistake myself and thought 'huh? why do i need to add a topic title to a reply? Must be just me then!
  13. it's the one that reads: "teenage bystander seriously hurt as group of youths play with fireworks" that i dont like...my nieces and nephews are now at the age where they are out at that time of night....
  14. The Terriers not having one this year?? EDIT:- or the cricket club? dont they usually have one?
  15. Monsta, i dont know if these attempts to make me bite are amusing you, but they are becoming tiresome. the only reason i'm not biting is because while your amusing yourself with me, at least your leaving everyone else alone. No wonder the forum is going quiet with comments like that flying around, it would seem others dont have the paitence i have,
  16. lol, was that the 'new topic' button pressed there instead of the 'add reply'??
  17. - 13 roads on bedders front street= A193 (front street to 3 horse shoes) + B1331 (ridge farm to bedders stn) + A1068 (golf course to choppington) =2592 - year of next london olympics=2012 =580 -scan lines=525 =55 -street no of grapes=68 =-13
  18. no cigar my ............ we were bang on the money! thats like saying the ridge farm aint a pub coz they serve meals in the bar!
  19. i mustardmit, its starting to slow down here for me too.... Only here mind....
  20. think were all knocking again... Clue please! (or the answer would be good either!)
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