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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. was i right? or did you use another method?
  2. Quick guide for those wanting to know how to add pics to posts: 1 : Create a new PhotoBucket account by going to the website www.photobucket.com Click "join now" 2 : select a Username and Password 3 : Fill out the details, these can be utter rubbish, so long as the email address is a real one. 4 : At the special offers page, its up to you what you do, but i click the handy link in the top right 5 : Once created, you'll be presented with the browse screen, with 3 places you can browse from. click a browse button, navigate to the folder you have your pics in and chose the one you want to upload, then click ok. once you have found the pics you want to upload, and you have chosen them, click the big "upload" button 6 : Once uploaded, the page will refresh. Scroll down to see the pics you have uploaded. below each pic is 4 links, the IMG link is the one were after. in firefox, just clicking in the IMG box will copy the link to the picture for you, i'm not sure about MSIE. a small box with the word 'copied' appears to confirm when you click in the IMG codebox. 7 : To insert the pic into a post, reply as normal, then place the cursor where you want the pic to appear. right click this spot and select [paste] (ctrl and "v" also works) to prieview your post, click preview, but remember to submit once your happy! any questions, just ask! Mr Darn.
  3. easiest way is to open a photobucket account... its free, and provides all the links you need. www.photobucket.com once the picture is uploaded to there (click a browse button once registered, find the pic on your pc, click ok, then click 'upload') you'll see the picture on the site with 4 boxes below, click into the one for posting into forums (should start with [ img ]) and a [copied] sign will appear. then simply right click in the reply box you use to reply to a post and select paste. until you click submit, it will still be in code, ie: [img=http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff142/MrDarn/Photo-0058.jpg] will produce the following pic:
  4. Recycle bin in xp: right click a blank space on the desktop choose [properties] make sure [general] tab is selected select recycle bin icon select [restore default] If this does not work, let me know, i have another way...
  5. Happy Birthday MissVic....
  6. Happy New Year all! Hope you all find happiness next year...now...i'm off oot to get hammered! Anyone?
  7. lol, i never can tell wether people are being sarcastic or not! if not, your welcome!
  8. its telling you something aint right...but i'm guessing you already know that! is this forum just going to be filled with topics marked 'help'?
  9. also, if this "friend" is on your buddylist, right click their name and select "block email" thats should do the trick!
  10. If you have your internet thru AOL, and not just one of their free email addresses, i suggest you try their 'live help'. you can talk to someone in real time who will guide you through the settings you need to chance...if it is possible at all.. do this by typing "live help" into the AOL programs address bar (where you type web addresses) Best of luck, and keep us informed of the outcome!
  11. Hmmmn, i'm sure i saw that somewhere else....
  12. Pmsl... dont hold back bud, say what you think!
  13. One way is to create a new email account, and NOT put it into every box that says 'put email here', and be careful who you give it too. the rest depends on your email provider, as blank is hinting at, as some offer better services than others. Obviously, we DO NOT want you to post your email address here! just the bit after the @ will suffice!
  14. lol, i knew i remembered it!
  15. Mr Darn


    do i detect a hint of sarcasm???
  16. lol, the 'young ones' i believe.... Gold, Frankenstein and 'Grrrrr' if i remember correctly... (cant remember the gold, but wasnt frankenstein a mask and Grrr aftershave?)
  17. Mr Darn


    its the one that is directly to the left of the address in the address bar. this is changed by copying over "favicon.ico" via FTP, and is located in the root folder for the forum. I believe the icon at present is the default one, and is supposed to look like a 'M' (dunno why, but the one on my firefox bookmark is deffo a 'M')
  18. i personally dont buy games, i listen to the radio for my music and i bought my laptop from currys....
  19. Games are totally different to music tho (not that i know what i'm talking about tho !) The time taken to create, design, test and compile a game is significantly greater than its music counterparts. the graphic designers and gameplay designers alone cost a fortune, and if the game is a flop, this is a big wedge to swallow!
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