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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Mr Darn

    Vote For Mod

    For Petes Sake!!! (hehe) i dunno why i changed, just fancied it, everyone else was so i jumped on the bandwaggon!
  2. Mr Darn

    Vote For Mod

    Mr Darn is now Mr Oblivious, and mong'0' is now Mr Darn (thats mongo with a zero)
  3. Mr Darn

    Vote For Mod

    I believe she's on her jollies
  4. 1-1, Newcastle behind till a late equiliser.
  5. I have used it once in at least the last 5 years... one day when i got caught in the rain. Thing was, after 5 minutes of a downpour it was an inch underwater!
  6. I'm not sure how many of you know him, but the news of the death of the Wharton Arms landlord has stunned the pub. Brian Young, died in hospital on sunday. His funeral will take place on Tuesday. I had the pleasure of knowing Brian personally, and he is already missed.
  7. Asked my dad, he dont know any of them, but it was '66 before he moved to that pit. I'll show my uncle, see if he knows any. Apparently you are correct about the clubs name tho..
  8. Guinness???? <---digs out a photo...
  9. Mr Darn


    Anyone could make up a theory, Showing the proof is another matter. I however, dont believe she was abducted.
  10. It still exists!! ...but only in our hearts... The only place in 100 square miles that could have been turned upside down and everyone could walk on the ceiling! i miss those carpets!
  11. Not me! no way your geting my mug on this site with my approval!!! trust me, it'll save you thousands in counciling!
  12. If you do have to 'pay as you throw' people will simply stop throwing as much in the bin. this will only lead to more rubbish dumped, and more litter on the streets.
  13. The hairpin side is quite good, if i remember right, its the bedlington side, when you cross the bridge and go up the hill its a little lumpy!
  14. Bah, i'm hungry now! whats the grub like at football matches nowerdays? its been years since i went to a 'big club' game, in fact i think it was an arsenal game about 10 years ago when i was working in london... ...the pies were luuuuurvely!!!
  15. Yeah, you wouldnt happen to have directions would you? Those mushrooms are about again....
  16. Mr Darn

    Vote For Mod

    Now, if you don't know me by now, you never will... ...you know i dont name names!
  17. isnt their an 'o' and a 't' missing from there?
  18. i laugh all the time at my bank statement! and as for the phone book.... have you any idea how many 'Wong' numbers there are in the Chinese phone book?
  19. Mr Darn

    Vote For Mod

    i was being serious!
  20. If it was some poor lad just messing about, and it was his first offence, then yes, way overboard. but what do they have to do before the police do get involved? drive by shooting on a bike? i think the officer was bang on the money, with the exception of his mother should have been stood in the dock next to him.
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