This is the problem, many people go for it, only to find once they are in the position they thought they needed to be in to change things, they find either the position is not high enough or the funds just aint there. i've also heard of councilors talk about shifting funds, 'robbing peter' so to speak, to get things done. all it did was get the idea thrown out, then the services robbed were deemed to be able to function on this reduced rate, and so thats the way it stayed. I dunno how true it is, but i wouldnt like to be the one blamed for LESS money coming into bedlington, even if my intentions were good. anyways, should a vote be made, i would think the majority of bedlington residents would prefer to have nothing, that way they have a reason for complaining about high rates etc. Hence why we aint rallying on the street to 'keep our community center' or 'save the golf club'