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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Mr Darn

    Vote For Mod

    Should have made it multiple choice, as i would vote for more than 1 of you lot...
  2. Yup, will be there over the weekend, just out of curiosity!
  3. Agreed, when they aint near your door, their hellish to clean up once their wet!
  4. climbing frame? basket ball court? must have been a while since i've been there!!!
  5. i like it here, coz the spiders are small, the snakes dont kill you (generally) and the creatures with bone on the outside only nip!
  6. Well, they made me giggle... ...but then again, there's not alot i dont laugh at these days
  7. Theres another good topic to start... we could have darts, pool and pub football results here. Anyone mind if i start one for the pub golf?
  8. I like the fact there is a large selection of pubs in bedlington, and to be honest, its a good thing their almost always empty. *It dont take long to get a pint *you can always get a seat *if someone upsets you in one, theirs plenty more to chose from *if you just want a quiet pint, your in luck *if you want a certain atmosphere, theirs a pub with it (with the exception of 'busy and exciting!) *if your looking for a certain agegroup, theirs a pub that specialises in it (10-18, 16-24, 20-60, 16-100 etc) and more... I'm sure you can add some pro's and cons.
  9. Naaa, no park there, just a few football fields and a plantation.
  10. I wish i'd seen that, although, to be honest, that would probably be a better approach at embarressing them than shouting and screaming... ...unless of course they took the stick
  11. i knew the 'likes' wouldnt last... whats the deal with the 'twinning' stuff anyway? does it help at all?
  12. I cant actually think of anything i really hate about the place. only thing i'd change is the weather!
  13. Well, looking at the new section so far, Bedlingtonians are rather happy with the place: Likes:4 Loaths:0 A good start in anyones view eh?
  14. I like it! i like it! Maybe they would have seen it sooner if they had used a higher wattage bulb!!
  15. "Mesmerised" might be just the look the artist was looking for... maybe the two of them spent 10 years planning their escape from newbiggin. What He's thinking is: "where's manuell with that bliddy boat?" And she's thinking: "There had better be some good shops where this idiot is taking me, or i'm gonna brain him!" Or i could be wrong!
  16. GAWD, i remember that! on the same side of the road as the market club, to the left as you look at it? They are not there now, but i remember them being there... ...i think!! the ones monsta are refering too are behind the market tavern, in the main "presto's" car park. dont think they've been there that long...perhaps 10-15 years?
  17. Maybe you should advertise a holiday home swap.... 2 months at yours in exchange for 2 months here. Or maybe not
  18. lol, apparently i mis quoted him, the correct phrase was which apparently means the 3rd f is worth a fortune if they would only market it right... Apparently the going rate was a marrage certificate, but their giving it away for a few pints now. What this has to do with fingers i'll never understand
  19. Hmmmn, gonna try that, do i have to have it sticking out of a band on a hat at a 45 degree angle?
  20. Good point, Lets face it, if you wanted to use any of bedlingtons public lavatories, you wouldnt have any trouble parking...... HUGE car parks next to each one....coincidence???
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