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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. i know someone thats done something very simmiler...
  2. I agree, i believe dogs should be able to relieve themselves just like any other animal. Fair enough, humans are educated enough to use a toilet, but dogs are not. However, if the dog is allowed to clean itself outside someones front door, then common curtesy says pick it up!
  3. yes, but not to the extent of the 'curcumstantial evedence' proves. Just funny how all the other evedence collected that proves other than what the police want to prove seems to be 'missing' or 'unavailable' or 'unrecorded'
  4. 90% of them do it, it was in the sport, yesterday
  5. Don't even mention the police to me! I once thought the way the police and justice system now worked was this: Incident happens Police investigate incident and collect ALL evidence Police submit that evidence, in full, to the CPS who review it and make a decision about who should be pursued in the investigation, and who wont. case goes to court Judge decides what actually happened and decides on a punishment. This is how it really works: Incident happens Police arrive, make an instant decision about what happened, collect the evidence that supports that conclusion, ignoring any other evidence. Police submit evidence to CPS who look at the solicitor each person has, then sends the one who is most likely to have a charge against them to court, allowing all others to go free case goes to court Judge listens to the evidence, then disregards it all and decides what the hell he likes based on how he feels that day. Innocent, Honest person goes to jail because they told the truth, under caution, and was convicted because they were the only ones stupid enough to admit to any part in it, therefore it must have all been their fault. Police go to pub, celebrating their 'victory' and the extra points they have to show the government what a good job they are doing. Its all ****** wrong, and i for one am sick of it. I think i'll move to France.
  6. I blame the kids because i see them do it, and yes, i agree, dog owners that are lazy do throw them in bushes, but not 10 foot up a tree.the ones that are up the trees are mainly caused by teenagers. Fact.
  7. the dog owners use the supplied bins, the kids empty these bins via the trees.
  8. i heard it was taking over somerfield and the old co-op building...
  9. There was 2 roumours i heard about that bit of land. 1 was it needed to be there as part of a 'green belt' agreement between the developers and WDC, to be used for a park once the development was complete second was i was bought by a brewery, who are still deciding wether to build a licenced premisis there, or to sell it on for housing. Apparently there was going to be a survey once the estates were populated to see if there was a demand for an alehouse. Personally, i think a pub would do well there... Too far for the local idiots from the front street to go, and it could have a nice 'local' atmosphere to it! Mind, i may be wrong on both counts! at the moment its used mainly as a dog toilet. Which is a shame considering the length of public bridleway that stretches accross the fields to guidepost and the other way to hepscott. Ive had many a good walk with the dogs along there, and theirs a nice small lake if you look carefully along the guide post track! lots of frogs etc. I released 2 of my goldfish there once, when i was young...wonder how they did....
  10. Defiantly not 20 years!!! They were still fields until at least i was in middle school (17-18 years ago) and that was before the work started! it was opencast for at least 5 years, so on safety's side, i'd say today the opencasting finished 15 years ago (althought it may be much less than that). and they were building the first houses there at least that far back as my sister bought one in Dunstenburgh close when my niece was a toddler, and she's 16 now. However, for some reason i seem to remember the land where dunstenburugh close stands still being a field when the opencast was there, but i may be wrong about that.
  11. Mr Darn


    Harsh, but maybe some truth there... the 'i wont be touched coz i'm too young' colture needs to stop.
  12. Its as true as a true thing thats true! i remember being in middle school when the first batters went up next to meadowdale. they dug a good hole there too, i wouldnt like to say how deep, but it was at least a few hundred meters, i remember scaling the fence when i was about 14 and going down on our mountain bikes. it was scary as hell! all was filled in level tho, and they are supposed to compress it every few meters, so i would say the land there should be the safest around to build on.... if they compressed the sub-foundations right when it was backfilled....
  13. What a turnout for him, i bet he did not ever think that many people cared enough to take the day off, straight after a bank holiday, to show their respect! Anyone know what will happen to the wharton now? i have heared a roumor that he went halfers with his sister, so she will run it now...
  14. Have you noticed the same houses? i believe its because of the rediculous house prices at the moment, for examole, in 1998 i bought a 3 bed semi with attached garage, on suite bathroom, driveway, patio doors, good sized living and dining room and new kitchen for £29,000. i sold it in 2001 for £67,000 Its up for sale now for £94,000 At the moment its worth your while selling up, it'll pay off your current mortgage and leave you with a hefty deposit for somewhere better! (like spain!)
  15. i see owen finall opened his account...
  16. Mr Darn


    I believe Raisbeck recieved a nice offer from whats now arriva for the rights to the route. Possibly about 15 years ago now! at least 10 anyways! Does Mr Raisbeck still have ties to the Monkey? (Barrington Arms)
  17. AHHHHHHHHHH "The Tank!" or the Tankerville it may have been called. My Mum remembers it well.
  18. so were talking after the top club, but before choppington? nearer bedlington or choppington? i remember their used to be a petrol station on the right as you left bedlington, was it past that too?
  19. Mr Darn

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  20. isnt that why the netto building is built on piles?
  21. was that what it was? i was told it was the west mine that had collapsed under the weight of it.
  22. Pub at the top of the hill opposite the wharton was the top club, but it burned down. they built another at the bottom of the hill and built flats on the old site. now the top club is on the front street as the new building subsided. thats a Netto now, and the bingo hall is a gym!
  23. according to my mum it goes thru years of change then repeats every 10 years or so the 'next generation' deemed it too 'uncool' to drink in the places their parents used to drink, so as the older gen filtered into the clubs for a cheep pint, the younger ones went to the big cities. now the even younger generation feel they dont want to go where their parents are, and have started re-populating the local boozers, who are so desperate for the trade they look the other way at the age. well, thats what she thinks anyway..
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