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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Thankyou for the concern, but alas, no, i still have all 8 fingers intact... whats more annoying is, no-one told me about this happening!
  2. No, actually its the whole asda system. same as felton comes under morpeth, and longhoughton under alnwick! dunno why, it just does!! (i dont trust sat-nav's, i'm an A-Z guy!)
  3. i thought it was that way already, as when i deliver to stakeford, the delivery address comes back as choppington... eg Half Moon Street, Choppington, Northumberland.
  4. yes please, the woman in blue looks well hot!
  5. Agree'd, he must still be strapped up!
  6. Quick, reel him in pimp!! he's bitten!!!
  7. you know...i just dont get it! i have saved about 100 lives in my first Aid career, and do i get known as Mr Darn the life saver? i sniff 1 dogs !*!@# ......
  8. HEAR HEAR Pimpy-Baby! You get my vote!!!
  9. ooo, not at tesco...they open a till for you... and (insider info here!) in ASDA, if there is more than 2 people waiting to be served at every till, and tills are shut, if you complain you can get a voucher off your shopping! but i diddnt tell you mind! (points to nose whilst winking)
  10. no...i agree, some clarification please! i personally like them both the same..... I know of neither personally, i think they both look funny, and if offered to look after either one for a week i'd say no!!
  11. Mr Darn


    I used to teach a class up there... personally i liked the place, but i never lived there, so it might not be as rosy after a few weeks. there's a few nice little towns north of alnwick i'd like to live in tho... nice and quiet!
  12. lol, we have 2-3 regulars at Blyth....
  13. still? its running fine from here....
  14. All good here too. i'm wondering...when was the last time you had a clean out? i had a few troubles a while ago, and a flush of the temp internet files etc did the trick.. its a widely saught misconception that the temp internet files etc, will slow down the whole internet for you, whilst, its mostly the most used sites you notice it on as they obviously leave more 'ket' behind. i reccomend a program called CCleaner. (yes, 2 'c's) if you do decide to install, watch for the 'yahoo toolbar' checkbox. untic it if you dont want this added to your browser. or it could be the site is slow!
  15. pffft is that sound you make when you exhale quickly with your mouth mostly closed, like the sound my lass makes when i say "can i borrow some money to go on the piss with the lads?" and, no, i'm not really a trolley dolley, although its quite a good job in the summer so i hear!
  16. PFFFT! You know as well as i do i can only ever push trolleys!
  17. .............Eggs S..........
  18. Its a shame we cant have everyone answer, like have a seperate 'post poll' instead of a topic poll... i have never smelled a dogs rear! nor will i ever again! Whats the most expensive thing you have knowingly stolen. (if nothing, do not answer!)
  19. initial input from the manager i was talking to stated a basic foodstore will be opening in the previous somerfield building before christmas. unfortunately for them, they have found far more asbestos than they thought in the old co-op, and this is gonna take some removing b4 the builders can get in. so far, they own and occupy the co-op building (all floors) the somerfield building (all floors) the upstairs of E4 and greggs and they either own, or are renting, the upstairs of piggly wigglys for a recrutment center. -:source, interviewing manager: Tesco. apparently, they have no plans for across the road (the garage) and Fancy That and the carpet shop are not currently owned, Although the talks continue! As for a job there... i have applied but its only for another year, till i finnish my current course. then i can broaden my horizons!
  20. anyone go? apparently 100 jobs up for grabs by december, with a further 50-100 once the store opens fully....
  21. Mr Darn

    Iq Test

    i got this: dunno if i did good, but i guessed at most of em lol
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