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Posts posted by Sw@lnalla

  1. This sort of thing could be eliminated with dirt cheap technology! :(

    It's 2007 - about time we had guidance cables under the main carriageways. Would cost about 1% of the cost of road making, save lives, save fuel and (with an open interface) could be made to do a lot of other things as well.

    Something any minister of transport worth his/her salt should be promoting. But we've got the usual Blair b** wiping timeservers in charge of the madhouse.

    Another dreamer.

  2. b******s you got it of a cornflakes packet!!! :lol::lol::lol: your licence that is!

    Let me assess your driving and you'll quickly find out I'm genuine, but the condition is that I will make the report public. Feel confident? ;)

  3. Tame stuff - elastic lifelines! There was a lad who did a leap (sans elastic band) off the railway bridge near the Kitty Brewster 30 odd years ago.

    I remember someone jumping from the road bridge back then, the mud at the time was very deep and he wasn't hurt.

  4. I'm content to get on with growing the site when I have the time, secure in the knowledge that, as you get older - and "under the influence of market forces" - you'll most probably end up a lot more right wing than I am! :lol::lol:

    So this site has a political motive, ie. right wing conversion?

  5. i think it might be that what is now the window shop used to be a store i might be wrong but it might have been own by some one called mr blyth. am probably miles out but i know there used to be a general store there!

    Blyth store or Barnes was always where Ian Bell is now.

  6. Slightly massively off-topic, but it was puzzlement for me a Blyth lad regularing using the bus stop at Geordie Bells bike shop.

    I wondered why the stop was called "Blyth Stores".


    Ian Bell, Geordie's son now trades from what used to be the old Blyth coop on Rothseay Tce.

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