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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Trolls.

    Unlike some, i adhere to the rules of the site.

    A while ago i wondered why most of the old members had not returned. I have made my conclusion!

    Oh do give in with you new found forum slang.

    And please, take a moment to think about things before you post.

    You put down other people but think you can get away with it just because you won't name names? You've accused members of this forum of threating you with notes on your car, you've said 90% of us have no brain cells, called us deformed and now trolls?

    I can smell a hypocrite!

    Anyway, good for you for being able to come to conclusions, after all, your probably the only one around here capable of such things right? <_<

  2. So i take that to mean you were directly insulting another member of this forum?

    Please do not mistake this as being the same as my generalisation, as that is completely different than directly insulting an individual member. Was that your intention?

    Thats right, you wont "directly" insult a person, but your quite happy to "generalise" your insults.

    So don't be surprised when people start insulting you back.

    It's just tough!

  3. Thanks Charlie I thought I had got the right name. I remember the guy that delivered the milk he used to clean windows in the afternoons, he feel off the ladder one day and ended up in ashington hospital.


    Did he survive?

  4. Yes they do deserve a better reaction and maybe if they changed their attitude they would maybe getting one!!!! :angry:

    Maybe their attitude has got the Portugese press's backs up cos I'm damn sure they've got mine up :angry:

    They have shown no sorrow and they haven't even been dignified in that either,for their childrens sake I hope they did not have anything to do with Maddies disappearance because they will be crucified like no others,with their self edifying publicity stunts!!!!!! :(

    if tha that bothered about the kid why divint they get of tha fat arses and gan and look for the youngin! instead of doing chat shows and interviews! t really! ganning to see the pope while ya kids missing! next they'll be ganning the disney world florida to "look" :angry:


  5. Very seriously! You simply don't know how the real world works.

    I know what blowing things out of proportion is - your favorite pass time. Get a lawyer onto me please, go on I beg you.

    Show him my post and I'll be waiting here getting ready for my court appearance.


  6. here's a point how come you never see the parents cry? ever! most parents who have lost a child break down the minute they start talking about them! fishy!

    Thinking back I dont think I have ever seen them cry, even at the beginning. But you cant say they killed their own daughter just because they dont cry in public...

  7. There's an army of lawyers out there any one of which could bet their fat pay cheque on the distinct possibility that they can change your mind! :lol:

    Fortunately this is a members only forum that won't be trawled by the SEs; this is a public interest matter; it's border line; you are responsible for what you publish; and no one has complained.

    Seriously... get a grip.

  8. i think she's dead and the parents killed her

    Do you reckon?

    The police have said that the parents aren't suspects though... but then, they could be wrong.

    I think she is dead too...

  9. Good thing you aren't talking about a food product in that bastion of freedom of speech the good old U.S. of A. then! :D


    Maybe you should amend your title from People to Person to stay factual? Even then it sounds a little libellous as it maybe singles Morrisons out for special treatment - which could be construed as malicious by someone of low intelligence. ;)

    Personally speaking I think we never know what we are eating wherever we buy it from. We are all to blame here in demanding ever-cheaper food and in not questioning how it is produced. The FSA is fighting a losing battle. In the Uk we need a total philosophy change not even more regulation. Until this happens this sort of news story is fated to be painfully regular.

    Personally speaking, I don't worry about what people with lesser intelligence think of the title of my post.


    But if it bothers you so much, go ahead and change it your majesty.

  10. Think of 3G as H.R.M. QEII. All requests are given consideration but protocol dictates that only those that conform to certain standards receive an official acknowledgement.

    So if you lick !*!@# , act like your someone your not and talk down to everyone Monsta, Threegee might answer your messages!


  11. Threegee,i don`t really think this place needs another mod. There`s never any bother on here now and hardly any swearing.If Miss Vic just popped in once a day to check things out that would be sufficient..

    I agree, one moderator would be more than enough.

    I reckon you should be the moderator Cympil, your on here every day and everyone here likes you...


    If it wasn't for you Chat Central would be dead. Just make sure your over 30 otherwise your deemed not worthy.


  12. There is an easier way than that, I walk to the canal jump in, splash about and lie on the bank until the sun dries me and my clothes. This saves on electricity running the shower and you wash your clothes at the same time.


    Hahahaha, thats one way to have a wash!

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