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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. That is the gist of the problem of todays society the kids know that no matter what they do nobody and I mean nobody can touch them. A total disregard for other peoples feelings or rights and of course parents who say ' It wasn't them they're good kids them, mine do anything like that, NEVER' While kid is smirking 'Go on dad tell them it wasn't me' MUG I've got this thing sussed attitude and I guarantee you one thing law or no law they do anything to me or mine they'll get a F88888G good hiding no matter who they are! I've said this before'Do you grab a nettle twice, will you jump into a gorse bush twice NO! Nature shows us the way! PAIN. So put that in ya pipe an smoke it! Though you probably can't as the kids probably already have :lol:
  2. Well if NCC are providing the flowers then it is a fore-gone conclusion that Berwick will win!
  3. Mr Darn, First of all thankyou! But how things have changed and no I'm not having a dig at you! In essence what you have said is what I have posted on numerous occasions and have been kicked from pillar to post! Now people seem to be seeing the light.. but I'm not so sure, once again cheers to you and others
  4. Look in the nearest skip! That's where I get mine. Of course you could always pay a quid for the FREE paper at Chahals (Zingies) :lol:
  5. If the voting was as fast and furious during the time I was there at 11.30 then the turnout will be 100% I mean I was there and I was there and oh! yes I was there and then I had to evade the huge spiders web at the doorway
  6. Stephen I may be wrong but I think it is still a little early for them, don't worry Bedlington will soon be a mass of colour and we will win Britain in Bloom ......in our dreams
  7. Thankyou Pete! I get the feeling I am fighting a losing battle with some people. Cheers
  8. Religion has caused more conflict and wars than anything else and will continue to do so. Ever since Richard 1st 'The Lionheart' we have been aware of the threat of the Muslims so it's not a new thing, is it? Only this time muslims are trying to get control of this country through the back door,no wars, just cause enough chaos and get the right ammount of do-gooders on side and they're in and then there's nothing we can do about it!.........or so they think!
  9. But did they try to change the Germans way of life, demand English law in Germany some may have but were soon put straight in their ways :P :P
  10. A bit like Lavery's summing where a majority turns to a minority just because he doesn't agree with the outcome! :lol:
  11. Believe in the following 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT BRITISH, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on British ground , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of British . 'Our culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom' 'We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian etc, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!' 'Most British believe in God. This is not Christian, right wing, political bull, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. What we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peace with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, and Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. If you came to this country to save your head being lobbed off for some misdemeanor then why do you want the same laws in this country?
  12. That's probably why the Cons are pushing for a general election as soon as a party changes PM by default. But like I keep saying 'You've got to be careful what you wish for'
  13. Noticed the new patrons of the Market Tavern have ripped down Perry's clamping signs, worth a visit for a pint just for that! Also behind old Maxi Freeze signs have also been torn down! So Perry also suffers from the downturn in the economic climate,so some good has come of this after all :lol: I Love it. I JUST LOVE IT :D
  14. So do the 0.9% come from Mars? Ahhhhh that must be the percentage of politicians who rule this country :lol:
  15. Cympil you and a few others are on about how they will promise you the earth to get a few votes and then nothing materialises. Bearing in mind there is a general erection oops election :lol: :- How long have we in the N.East been asking for the A1 to be made dual carriageway? Far too long, the number of deaths on this main route into Scotland is atrocious, well low and behold they are all saying now that if they elected they will dual the A1. Why now may I ask? Is it to reduce fatalities on this road or is it to grab a few votes from us simpletons(no pun intended ). I guarantee that whoever is elected into power the transformation of the A1 will never happen! People THINK God Damn you THINK!
  16. So is Wansbeck so dumb it is going to vote in a commie sporting a Labour rosette? Someone who despises the current Labour Party as much as he does the class enemy. Someone who holds completely opposite views from the party he is (currently) a member of. And someone who will once again put the rubber stamp on our being the most "deprived" area with the lowest house prices in the whole of England. I take it you're on about my 'good friend' slavvery lavvery the guy is heading for a fall and not before time! Long walk. Short pier, comes to mind. I'm going to stop now because he infuriates me! AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!
  17. Merlin


    :lol: Its a wonder we didn't think of it first!
  18. Merlin


    A sense of humour...... knock me down with a feather :lol: I'd never have believed it, you learn something new everyday, 3g you have actually made my day
  19. If I get enough Bedlingtonian recipes I'll certainly have a go Pete, Monsta came up with a cracking good leek pudding one though he probably found it on the net, saying that not everyone has access to such modern day functions and some can't be bothered to use it! So you Pete and all you others out there get asking your grannies or your better halves for some good recipes for some good old fashioned wholesome food and forward them to me on here. I think I just put on a stone thinking of the good times ahead :lol: Cheers
  20. Merlin


    AS BELGIUM OUTLAWS VEILS...NOW LET'S BAN BURKA IN BRITAIN 1st May 2010 By Emily Hall BRITISH politicians were last night under mounting pressure to ban the burka. Belgium has became the first European country to make the full-face veil illegal and France is set to follow suit. The UK Independence Party has already vowed to outlaw the "oppressive†clothing. Now the leaders of the three main parties, Labour, the Tories and Lib Dems, are being urged to do the same. UKIP's Nigel Farage, 46, said: "For once, Belgium has actually done something right. "We have campaigned on this issue long and hard. Burkas are a sign of a divided country. "They oppress women, are a potential security threat and have no place in modern Britain.†Belgium's new law will come into force as soon as July. But politicians said it should not be seen as an attack on Islam. Centre-Right MP Daniel Bacquelaine said: "The idea that you can recognise people in the street is essential to maintaining public order. "It's also a question of human dignity. The full-face veil turns a woman into a walking prison.†Women will be banned from covering their face in any public place, with a £110 fine for a first offence. If they refuse to pay or are caught a second time they will be jailed for a week, even though only 400 Belgians are thought to wear the outfit. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, 55, has said the burka is "not welcome†on French territory. He added: "The burka is not a sign of religion, it is a sign of subservience.†Watch out for what you stand for! It's got a habit of kicking you in the teeth! Be WARNED
  21. Leek pudding for starters, it was steamed or boiled in a muslin bag I think and how to make that thick stodgy pie crust to cover the bunnies I was on about. I love my food and cook a lot so anything else she has involving any kind of meat, pies, stews etc and not forgetting a good old broth! I have made broth numerous times but just can't get the taste of my grannies broth it's always missing something but I don't know what! Thanks and I'm still jealous
  22. Must be good to support a convicted football hooligan and someone who has no respect for the police! Also in an interview some years ago he said when the NUM lost a vote to strike 51% to 49% they decided to strike anyway because the vote was so close, so does this mean he doe's not agree to democracy and if he loses the election 49% to 51% will he still think he is elected! MUPPET
  23. My Laguna was a right off 6yrs ago it was caught in Cornwall doing 37 apparently being driven by a pig! Nice one :lol: :lol:
  24. Jealous :lol: I need some recipes, good old fashioned Geordie ones ask her for some PLEASE!!!!!!! :D
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