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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. Right, After some investigation and asking questions of a reliable source this information is true...to some extent! There is a pot of jobs for the dis-advantaged that are not advertised anywhere else. You will only be told of this pot of jobs after you have been signing on for 39 weeks or more and then only if the adviser thinks you will be interested and/or suitable! The discrepancy comes in the interpretation of dis-advantaged! While I jumped on them meaning a slum town What they actually mean is that we (Bedlington) have to travel out of Bedlington to find work so we are at a dis-advantage. The four streets not included in this are supposedly the ones where there are jobs, but only Tesco are recognised as a major employer in Bedlington, Hope this has made things a little clearer Questions that could not or would not be answered:- Are there any more pots of jobs not advertised and if so who are they for? Why are these jobs held back in the first place? Who is responsible for these pots of jobs? Do employers know these jobs are being held back? If employers do know, what is the incentive and criteria to be added to these pots of jobs? There was probably more questions but my head hurts
  2. Merlin


    The announcer at St James' Park today paid tribute to Plymouth FC. I think everyone connected with NUFC realises what Plymouth did for us, not many clubs would have done this for any team especially when being relegated.Once again, Thankyou Plymouth and Respect. Cheers
  3. Simple and straight to the point again Pete
  4. Great man, respected by all, cheers for the banter Joe, R.I.P.
  5. Sorry mate you've lost me! I take it some kind of train is passing through the area, more detail required mate... Cheers
  6. Will ask around, loads of my family from the 'Gate' and GuidePost on my mothers side.
  7. Lamb and fresh mint from the garden, I can taste it now...drool And the yorkshire puds, I wish I could make them like my grannie used to, an leek pudding, an rabbit pie with a crust an inch thick with the cup in the middle to stop the pastry sagging. What we have lost by not taking notice :(
  8. BNP and UKIP candidates can't give an address as they are homeless due to all housing being prioritised for immigrants
  9. Forgot to add 'Well done' for finding these pictures
  10. Were there really that many? Wow! Just thought there was two.
  11. Merlin


    Maximum respect to Plymouth FC even though this result meant they they were ultimately relegated they still played We are the Champions and Local Hero! Respect is earned and Plymouth earned it big style we will not forget this, I, and I hope all toon fans will join me in wishing Plymouth FC good luck next season. Well done the toon and well done Plymouth! Thankyou.
  12. Warlord comic and commando books. Camping oot on the football field and some kind of minty black liquorice sweets in a white box which I can't for the life of me remember the name of,. bout the same size of a tab box. Finding cards in the tea packets.
  13. Serious when asked by some, racist when asked by others. It's make your mind up time folks
  14. Planet of the apes maybe And if spokesman said this within the last few days he's tellin the truth then ain't he, its sure to be in decline when none of the Bar Stewards can get here! Spin my friend Spin!
  15. Merlin


    Makems we are back as CHAMPIONS let the good times begin........ AGAIN............. MIKE ASHLEY GO FOURTH AND MULTIPLY :angry:
  16. I'm voting for the Volcano Party in the upcoming elections its done more for UK immigration in 5 days than the !*!@# Labour Party has done in 12 years!
  17. Duck! What the !*!@# was that :lol:
  18. I miss the neighbourhood spirit,unlocked doors open to all! Some things I miss from my child hood are Milk Bottles(sweets) proper ones, Tudor Bovril crisps,Texan bars, being able to play in street without getting ran over by a chav in a super-charged Nova Waiting for buses that never turned up, ever! STANDING on the terraces at St James' Park, playing Japs 'n' English never Germans 'n' English for some reason! Playing on the pit heaps, getting chased off the farmer with his 'Jelly Gun' Tettie picking with same farmer Being scared of 'The Colliery Polis' Generally having fun and not knowing what 'white lightning' was and not being bothered anyway! Am gettin auld :lol:
  19. Things must be bad in Bedders even the chickens are committing suicide :lol:
  20. No throw away comment,to qualify for this pot of jobs that are not published anywhere you have to live in a dis-advantaged area! I was always under the impression that all jobs were open to all people! If there is a pot for the dis-advantaged, what other pots of jobs have they got and for WHO? I feel the need for answers!
  21. Very sad at the news that Joe is bad, all the very best Joe and get well soon!
  22. Malcolm, commiserations mate, but if there had been FIGHTS in and out it would have been a bit more interesting, never mind they'll get there in the end or maybe not
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