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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. Yeah they are through, through to the departure lounge on Sunday night
  2. Debra you can smile today......It's ya birthday! Happy days.
  3. The bags might come from the same place but are they the same? I get my condoms from the same company but they COME in different varieties, ribbed,sensitive,super large(my favourite )(Ok I made that one up) and lots of flavours. Just because the bags come from the same manufacturer does not mean they are the same! Asda are pro-actively looking for more profit! Just supposing that EVERYONE buys these re-usable bags, and Asda replaces them FREE of charge, who's going to pick up the tab for this, I mean who is going to pay for all the replacements and don't try and tell me Asda will because if you do well you are more.........! Work it out for yourself
  4. That's the one HaHa! :lol:
  5. Talking of captains or ex captains the only reason Capello took JT was to safeguard all the other England player's marriages! :lol:
  6. I know this is a bit late but....ya kiddin aren't you he's had a disastrous season,loss of form and injuries blessing in disguise if you ask me!
  7. That go compare advert, Christ you could never get sick of kicking that singer Soap powder adverts promising stain removal that they were saying they could do thirty year ago AAARRRGGGGHHHH :lol: Gold adverts and loan adverts with 2000%+ interest and those 'Have you had an accident' ones, yes pet you have, with your bluddy fringe :lol: :lol:
  8. You look after it and keep it tidy, don't admit to anyone that you know who the owner is and after fourteen years it's yours
  9. All the original post Malcolm was replying to!
  10. Yes that's why Tesco issue bio-degradable FREE bags and no hassle at the tills! :lol:
  11. If it was decent why'd they close it and eventually bulldoze the place?
  12. Straight from the horses mouth!
  13. If I wanted to buy a bag I would bluddy buy one! It get's on my t*ts that I am harangued at the check out every time I shop at Asda. Do they follow me round asking if I would like to buy this or that? NO! So don't ask me if I want to buy a sodding bag! And as for fore-thought, none required mate they supply free bags END OF!
  14. Fix it! Bootsale it, Draw a face on it and call it Evil Edna Leaky hosepipe
  15. evil devil lived medal medial Llandudno
  16. Won't work! Its a public right of way. Sorry. The implications of public safety are horrendous
  17. You will shortly have muppets with green signs pointing to an empty till. No problems then eh! Wonky :lol: Also 'Do you have your own bags?' 'Do you want to buy some, or would you like free ones?' Reply 'Errrrrrrrrr what the F*** do you think' :lol: :lol:
  18. Tesco might just pull their finger out now! Though on saying that found out today that Tesco are being held back by cooncil red tape for their planned expansion and that they do not own the car park. Another obstacle in their way is vulcan place garage(Practical) on where they will park their vehicles if Tesco aquire the site(Millne car park)they have a deal to park there, but the biggest stumbling block seems to be Greggs! Apparently they have a one hundred year lease on their property and are refusing to move even though Tesco have offered to incorperate a unit for them within Tesco's new shop! The derelict land at the side of Tesco was to be a petrol station more red tape from said cooncil. Also they have not applied for planning permission for a superstore on Coopies Lane. Back to netto's if there is to be an expansion by Asda then the only way is UP
  19. Pretty !*!@# if you ask me
  20. good job my names not !*!@# Whittington that,s D.i.c.k
  21. Yes the working and non working class, we are about to be dumped on from a great height!
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