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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. A mate of mine went to the job centre (Bedlington) for a Back To Work Interview. During the interview the adviser said 'Don't take this wrong way, but, we have a pot of jobs that are not advertised on our website or in the papers that are for dis-advantaged people'. Mate says 'so what do you mean by that?' Adviser 'Well there are only four streets in Bedlington that are not classed as dis-advantaged, so if you give me your postcode I'll see if you can apply' Needless to say he could apply! Question 1 : Where are these four streets? Question 2 : Why are these people keeping jobs back? Question 3 : Is it now official that the government class Bedlington as dis-advantaged? My personal opinion is that I am absolutely GOBSMACKED, in all of Bedlington ONLY FOUR streets are NOT classed as dis-advantaged well, I bet that's a kick in the teeth for the private housing estates in Bedlington such as Hazelmere. Are we a slum town? Have we slipped so far that there is no redemption in the eyes of the government, is the only way forward to have street riots, burn the place to a cinder (as in Meadow-well) for the government to invest in our future? I sincerely hope not! Come on, we are not that bad! Are we?
  2. Took slavvery Lavvery's flyer to the lavvie this mornin bit slippery mind, just like him :blink:
  3. Get the Gibbet down off the moors, I'll be executioner' no problem
  4. Merlin

    Guess Where

    Labour Offices by any chance
  5. This post has been moved from TOTT! Why have other posts not been moved ie:- The Wharton Arms, Empty Deli, Make Fast Food Restaurant In Bedlington, Another Vacant Shop Occupied, Red Lion Restaurant, Spar and finally Tesco Plans Being Formally Submitted. Surely these are CONSUMER orientated!
  6. After a trial run in Morpeth, Greggs in Bedlington will start charging for their bags as of next week 1p for small and 2p for large. Doesn't this company make enough money? Well I for one won't be using this shop again so the £6.42p I spent today will stay in my pocket next week so they will have to sell 642 1p bags to make up for that won't they. I may add that I am not the only one with this opinion so if you multiply this by say 2 for every greggs shop they are going to have to sell one heck of a lot of bags just to make up for lost custom! Good luck to them, but they probably don't need it! 'Freshly baked today' That's a laugh after they stood in freezer for 6 month!
  7. Mr Darn, the wharton through good and bad times has always held it's head up above the others, the atmosphere has always been friendly, the beer it has to be said has seen it's bad times When others have slumped The Wharton has always had it's die hards which every pub needs. I have always regarded my times in there as pleasant and good fun no matter who has had their name above the door. If it is up for sale good luck to them and to whoever takes over. And if it's not well I hope the meters are kept clean
  8. Greedy, dishonest, manipulating!*!@& that's why they're MPs :lol: You also missed out LYING and CHEATING but you're getting there! If you on the dole and are caught cheating you get jailed, if you are an MP and get caught cheating your expenses you get a slap on the wrist and told don't do it again or start wild rumours about swine flu to get the expenses off the front pages, clever are'nt they!
  9. Word is it's up for sale, don't know why though Be a great place to build some flats So all this seems a little bit irrelevant :lol:
  10. Mercury, Why should I vote against the people in power? That was my point! There is no difference between any of them, they are now all Tories in disguise. I vote and have always voted Labour but I tell you what I won't be voting for them this time! Having said that who else is there to vote for, absolutely nobody because it doesn't matter who wins the election they are in it for themselves and sod us lot. Do they listen to us NO! As for sitting on my &$$ waiting for other people to do something, well people will have to wait and see! I am absolutely seething with the attitude of people who cannot or will not think for themselves and believe every bit of %$&£ and spin that spouts out of so called politicians mouths, they believe everything they say and are dumbfounded when it doesn't materialise. For Gods Sake! THINK!
  11. I first met Mr Lavery after leaving school and joined a Y.O.P. (Youth opportunities Programme) at Ashington Technical College. Then I started work at Lynemouth Colliery with said Mr Lavery, then got my mining craft apprenticeship with Mr Lavery, then transferred to Ellington Colliery with Mr Lavery, then went to a Ashington Colliery training centre with Mr Lavery, then spent nearly five years at Ashington Technical College mining department with Mr Lavery. Yes you could say I know Mr Lavery very well! I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him!
  12. Good con that! Got nothing to do with how many tickets are sold. how can you or they say it's £70 next week.so you get three hundred people in next week(unbelievable i know! But bear with me)They all buy a ticket(unbelievable again) So thats £230 in their or your back pocket, just like the beer sales eh! Pity this draw wasn't metered! Maybe a call to trading standards would nullify the the slander accusation eh! Mate!
  13. Drugs Bust at Bedlington Post Office Towers, Pensioners found to use pension day at local Post Office as cover to ply their trade in illegal drugs. Skunk farm found upstairs. Pensioners interviewed said it was for their own use to combat arthritis pain, also said that because of no pain they could make it to The Wharton for cheap non metered beer which was half the price of the breweries inflated prices. They were said to be supporting local businesses! But this was to no avail as The Wharton is now up for sale. They were all sentenced to three years at The Blue Bell for their crimes! :D
  14. Malcolm and the G's, As much as I respect your views and those of others, this thread has degenerated into the usual political clap-trap. Normal everyday people(voters) have come on here and said what they want and as usual the political high brow talk comes in and clouds the issues. This is what me and others do not want, we want un-adulterated truth! Like I have said in numerous previous posts, I want, no need, for people to say and mean what they say! Is that too much to ask? Plain speaking will gain a lot of respect, trying to bamboozle people with spin just inspires mistrust! Just ask anyone with one iota of common sense! Something the politicians seem to severely lack!
  15. Nobody on your list! They all the same as each other. Liberals: NO hope. Labour and Conservatives, same as, just different leaders. All way out of touch with everyday living, they don't have a clue how joe average lives. They live their cosseted lives out and out away from the truth. If the truth was to jump up and smack them on the sneck end they still would not be able to comprehend it! So many of their policies smack of being snobbish, looking down on the ordinary working man. You will do as your told, I'm boss and what I say goes, attitude. Dictatorship springs to mind! Never mind what the people of the country want, we'll just do it anyway and sod the lot of you, we are right because, well because we are so there, get on with it. Do as you are told and don't rock the boat,we know what's right, you don't, so don't think you do! And if we get it wrong well it's your fault for not doing as you were told even if it was us that told you to do it! It's good for you! Why? Because we say so even if it's not it'll put a great big wad in our back pockets anyway and by the time anyone finds out we'll be long gone and buried. Revolution here we come! And the sooner the better!
  16. This must be why people decide to live in other vacinities!
  17. Debrad65,its election time, they will promise you the earth to get elected! Then when they do they all go back on their election promises with the excuse ' We didn't realise things were so bad due to the previous government,so we can't give you what we promised!' Taxes up, in fact everything up due to the previous administration. We need a peoples party, like Labour is supposed to be. We need to take this country by the scruff of the neck, give it a good shake and start again before it is too late, if it is not already to late! The do gooders, nanny state activists and the pocket liners should be kicked into touch.The majority of the people of this country do not want or agree with policies of the major parties, we have to have a party who listens to the people, not one who tells the people what is best for the people, while meaning this is the best to line mine and my parties pockets! If this means revolution then so be it! For too long these people have ran roughshod over the decent people of this country, the time to stand and be counted is now. These people in power must not be allowed to drag this country deeper into the mire, we are at a cross roads, the choice is now ours!
  18. when I was younger, many moons ago, it was drummed into me that Labour were for the workers and would fight for the workers rights. What went wrong? I am at a loss as to who gets my vote, looking at it there is nobody who I want to run this country! Also at the time it was a good thing to work you could afford to have things that those not working could not, that was the incentive to work! Now you work, you get the feeling you are penalised for doing so. Some people who work are worse off than those claiming benefits. There should be a very big difference between working and claiming benefits, alas the minimum (slave) wage put paid to that!
  19. I had a very sheltered upbringing me! I haven't got a clue what you're on about, is it something to do with the frying of the black pudding That must be why dogs are fussy
  20. Mercury not all are metered hence signs in the windows,just after they were found out, This pub is closed due to supply problems. In other words we been caught scamming and the brewery wont give us any beer till we pay up! Darnie, that is privilaged information
  21. Merlin

    Guess Where

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh I know as well miss, yes I do, I do, I dooooo, but I won't tell, no I won't, oooh go on, no, no, no, AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!FFS somebody shoot me..... PLEEEEEAASSSEEEEE
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