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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. like I said its only a suggestion instead of having 10 unused buildings

    The maxi freeze building is used, and owned by people in London. As for the rest of the empty properties on the front street or wherever are any of these viable,or even large enough for McDonalds, without major refurbishment? Also their frontage and signage would not be allowed on the front street also all properties are too near residential domains to get planning permission. So basically this is a non starter!

    Are you in the employ of Mcdonalds? If so I suggest you continue serving burgers and give up fighting their cause, don't believe for one minute you'll get any thanks or medals for doing it!

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  2. Don't think so, as these boxes do not actually have to be 'chipped' they are just flashed! Whatever that means no, computer wizz myself! You get downloads off the comp also. Haven't a clue what I'm on about so I better leave it at that! :(

  3. I heard something about this, something to do with modifications....

    ...Basically, if your Xbox has been modified in any way other than by an approved person, it can't be used on live.

    Happened to a few of my friends also, who have "chipped" boxes to play the copies.

    Even if modified by 'approved person' it's still basically modified,therefore still banned.What they are saying is, If a copied game is played on X-Box live your consul and hard drive are banned. You have been warned! Yes my box was chipped but no copies were played on live, take that as given! Like I said before the person(Notice I'm being polite) who 'fixed' my box either played a copy on live or has switched my box!

    Microsoft fetched in the ban when they released Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2 because they knew this would be the most popular copied game ever!

  4. pickled chillies and all..sounds great..they can keep the chips though..a decent kebab would fill the hole..might give it a look when i get back..cheers.

    I Just get the chips cos they are free, never managed the kebab and chips and thats a small kebab, these guys know what a kebab is, they don't scrimp! They also do a chicken kebab, rotary style like a donner, or a mixed kebab chicken and donner. By the way Kings is next to The Percy Arms!

  5. Sorry 4g missed the bit on optional extras(hard drive)Yes they are,but I mentioned this in the Forza thread, the arcade version consul does not have enough memory to load both discs to play this game to its full extent, I need the optional hard drive, which I have but on my banned consul!Just thought of this, they are selling forza motorsort3 with this consul knowing full well that it will not load on them! This is the first game to be played on this consul, so what happens if you have another game, god forbid, will this game load. Now there's a thing!

  6. Is there no appeal process? It sounds like you have genuine grounds for appeal there and I certainly wouldn't be throwing more money at Microsoft to fix the problem if that's the case. Are the hard drives not just an optional additional storage addon and not physically required for the machine to work. If that's the case it's probably easy enough to format the drive to make sure it's clean of anything that may be on it.

    Looked on official microsoft site, no comebacks, if it's banned it's banned!They say I can use hard drive but all games saved on hard drive will be scrambled and gametag can only be retrieved through microsoft,also all achievements will be lost! So basically after three years plus I have to start again.Playstation 3 is looking better by the minute, live play is free on it! Which brings me to another point, I didn't find out this consul was banned until I had renewed my yearly subsciption of £39.99! After putting in codes and passwords nothing was said about it being banned until payment had gone through! Good Eh!

  7. First off my consul has been banned by microsoft!

    My consul red lighted after the extended warranty was up so got it 'fixed' locally, when I hooked up to X-Box live got message saying that my consul was banned, so I would not be able to play on live anymore! Investigations into this was that copied games had been played on this consul on X-Box live resulting in said ban. Thing is no copied games have been played on this consul on live. So person who fixed red lights must have used it! Or it's a different consul! No proof, or a kicking would be in order! Anyway had to get another consul, arcade, now up and running on X-Box live again! Problem being the hard drive on the banned consul. Can I put this onto my new consul without being banned again? Looked at various sites and microsoft, but I am getting conflicting answers. Some say yes you can transfer the hard drive while others are saying that the hard drive as well as the consul are banned. Any Ideas? Or should I bight the bullet and get a new hard drive as well?

  8. Been playing this today, up to now a bit disappointed, tracks are like Need for speed Shift but not as good, handling of cars and speed are totally.....well they're not up to scratch, even Burnout Revenge leaves this game standing! Maybe I just need to play Forza more to get into it, but if a game doesn't do it for me straight off then it becomes a chore! Oh! and another thing if you got a 360 arcade, disc two won't load(extra cars tracks game play etc) cos there's not enough memory!

  9. If you want to be pedantic about it then neither will the second rater BDO non world champion :lol: That is Why Mr Hearn is trying to unify darts to get a true world champion? Don't know why he's bothering though because anyone good enough in the BDO has already signed to the PDC the rest as I said before are second rate dross! As for the Wizard that was two years ago, vastly improved since he had to up his game to compete in the PDC :P

  10. Malcolm I may have my wires twisted over the council status at the time, but the gist of it was, like you say, the feeling of being neglected, the forgotten part of this area!

    Is it set in stone that Bedlington have to be part of the larger area? Or could we break away without the troops marching on us to put down the uprising? :D

  11. I said this a while ago,but I think Bedlington is suffering because of its past. The Council was at one time based in Bedlington. At this time Ashington and Newbiggin were as we are are now, aggrieved because they got nothing and Bedlington prospered. Then the council transferred to Ashington and low and behold they get everything and we get nothing! This smacks of payback time! Well I don't know about anyone else but I think enough water has passed under the bridge for this to be still true now! But! I honestly do believe that it IS still true! If we want and are to get anything in Bedlington it will be a long hard battle! There are division lines and bias running through this council that need to be addressed and the sooner the better! The River Wansbeck is not a BORDER and neither is the River Blyth but we seem to be in no-mans land,the bit inbetween that nobody cares about. We need to stand together,Ashington, Newbiggin,StakeFord, GuidePost and Bedlington or Bedlington has to stand alone, and make the break and tell the rest that we don't need you!

  12. They were put there after an accident after dark one night involving 2 "young persons" cars that had "skidded on the ice" "by accident". (Read: young males in cars handbrake turning and lost control)

    apparently a young lady was hurt to the point of a broken bone, but i forget the details.

    I've never had any problems getting in and out of there since it was done, although i agree they should be a different colour, seeing as how they were put there because of an accident in the "snow!":blink:

    I believe the same was done to block off the Humford Woods car park too?

    Mr darn, first off, Happy New Year secondly, you can't have been using this car park, I mean the posts are still there :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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