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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. The Indigenous folk are OK maybe Croc Dundee is the answer. less handouts from the Govt to these "Refugees" might help, a refugee receives around 3 times as much benifits as an old age pensioner ............it stinks..

    Tell us about it mate! It may stink over there but it absolutely hotches over here!

    Your government needs to look at our policies,see how they didn't work and do something about it before it's too late. Man they taking over the world by the back door :angry:

  2. Vic what kind of nasty beasties are you hunting over there?

    Brian, the way this country is going the bunnies will be the only thing between me and starvation and then it will have to be halal bunnie :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. And while we're at it council offices might as well go as well ;)

    While we're on about demolition get rid of the dole offices as well,load of power hungry hitlers in there,about time they were out of a job and tasted their own medicine,self officiating snobby,look down thy nose,its my money,you're dole scum B******S.

    And that's from someone who is employed!

  4. do you shoot them or use ferrets or nets the bunnies i mean

    A good old slice with a sand wedge usually does the trick :lol: :lol:

    You didn't really expect me to answer that did you Brian? Hunting in this country is highly ILLEGAL! Especially on Bedders Golf Course :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. Would be nice to have some shops at the Market Place.

    Went to morpeth yesterday to get a couple of presents for a christening and a birthday and a few other things i managed to get exactly what i wanted, also checked out the new shopping arcade but it was so busy i couldn't get a proper look.

    Would have liked to have spent my money in Bedlington!

    But you are going to have shops in the market place there's Tesco and then there's Tesco and then there's err err Tesco! What more do you want :D You didn't really think we would get anything else did you! Northumberland council, Wansbeck council or Betty Boo council everything goes to Ashington and Newbiggin :angry: :angry:

  6. Away down the golf course to get myself a couple,my belly's rumbling! Thats rabbits not black puds :lol: :lol:

    Just had a thought:- Was it The Goodies who used to run around with black puddings,shouting "ecky thump" or am I thinking of something else?

  7. He could have, and has, said things far more personal and upsetting here.

    now i know, if he's picking on me, he's leaving others alone.

    Plus it gives me some ideas on how to extract urine at work, so i guess, thanks for the material! ;)

    What ME pick on you! NEVER :D You're a good lad you :blink: Anyway good luck with the urine extraction...thought the beer tasted funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

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