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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Talking of tat and a waste of money, who's bright idea were the white posts on the car park at the band stand. Have we ever had any problems with this car park? It's now a danger to enter and leave this car park. I also notice that someone, be it council or vandalism, has burnt the lock off these so called gates. Look if you've got money to get rid of near the end of march, do us a favour and spend half a mill' getting these white elephants dug up, I'll go so far as to say PLEASE :D

  2. No matter what you think of Phil Taylor, the man is class! He won again tonight can't see anyone beating him, not even from the BDO if they were there. The BDO lads want their own WORLD Championship because they know they wouldn't be able to hack it alongside Taylor and co!

  3. Well last week it was reported in the local press that Bedlington have a leisure centre,well they are going to close leisure centres with losses of jobs in Ashington,Newbiggin and Bedlington! Are the powers that be so out of touch that they really think we have a leisure centre in Bedlington? Also reported they are actually thinking of bulldozing Newbiggin leisure centre and building a new one! It beggars belief. £10 MILLION on sand that will end up at Cambois. EH! Now a new LEISURE CENTRE! Nobody uses the old one thats why it's closing, and they are talking of building a new one, who are these people? Did we actually vote these people into POWER or did they just pop up from some defunct slek heap, they know nothing of our community and everything they say or do proves it! Get a grip, Bedlington is in the throes of death! Wake up before it is too late, if it is not already!

    • Like 2
  4. My point exactly in another thread Sizsels ( Head splitting )

    All the salt went down the cracks between the slabs which haven't been filled in yet,and they are already starting to subside, high points are starting to show,but if you use dodgy contractors and black market labour you can't expect anything else! As Ive said before I hope the cooncil are well insured for all the compen' claims for all the head splitting, trips and falls. Good luck everybody and happy tripping :lol: :lol:

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  5. OH! Definatley of course! None of them can drive properly anyway. And I talk from experience!

    I've passed my test so I will drive how the hell I want and what are you blaring your horn at?I'm right, women are always right! I've got my binoculars there's a car coming from the right five miles away so I'll just sit here cos I've got to give way from the right! Right? Indicators! What are they for? I'm going that way why should I tell anyone else? Lights, why has everyone got their lights on, I can see perfectly well! Mirrors, they're for putting make-up on, what else do you use them for? Reverse, what's that for? Who needs to go backwards anyway? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. When will the fences around the Grass in the Market Place be taken down? There is no point in having them there

    4G this was the original post. I agree the grass will be fine but the fences will have to stay up well into spring to let the grass rooting system establish as you say to stop it being trampled.A bit of forward planning would have made sure that this area would have been completed in time for the grass to go down or left with just soil until spring,either way we would have had less time having to gawp at metal fencing!

    Who is responsible for the upkeep of this VAST amount of grass? Do you not think this area would have been better with a low maintenance surface ie: astro turf. Or paved with a sculpture in the middle. This then would not require unsightly metal fencing for months on end! Just a thought!

  7. Creating a new lawn from scratch is easy if you pick the right time of year and prepare the site thoroughly.

    Turf will quickly establish on soil that is warm and moist - autumn is perfect as new turf will also be regularly watered by winter rain. Turf can also be laid in spring, but avoid this time of year if you live in an area hit by a hosepipe ban as new turf needs frequent watering to prevent grasses from being put under stress.

    This was taken from an article in BBC Gardeners World. It also states frosty.conditions should be avoided at all costs. Looks like the fencing will be there for the forseeable future!

  8. Good sound advice 3G and taken on board! Thankyou for your input, a quality compact it seems at this point the direction to be heading! Cheers.

    Who's David Bailey :lol:...............just kidding :D

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