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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Maybe the fuddy duddies will see the way forward, but I doubt it :( I for one hope they get the chance to give it ago, but remember you will have to help them give it a go by walking in off the street and using the place, that is of course if the scran is up to scratch :D

    So thats upstairs. Whats down stairs? Luigi's Hair Emporium :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. But that was the problem! To moderate is to moderate,personal preferences and views should not be a factor when moderating! Having right of centre views or left of centre views should not come into it when moderating!

    Moderators should not edit or remove posts just because it goes against their views, this was happening and we were decending into a dictatorship.That is what got peoples backs up, especially mine!

    The content and mood of this site has improved beyond recognition, as I have said before, views have been expressed lately and nobody has complained or been upset! The banter is great in fact it's a pleasure to be here :) But don't worry I'm sure that there will still be a few arguments to spice things up.......I hope! :lol: :lol:

    Oh! And people, keep up the good work!

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  3. If they adult enough and no time for site then they should not be mods!

    No I haven't got anyone in mind and certainly not me!

    Doom and gloom again "life may have dealt a more demanding hand" if they ain't got time for the site they should not be mods with priviliges! And I certainly did not mean they should be kicked off the site! The more the merrier :lol: :lol:

  4. You're going to have to release HP you know - absolutely no one is going to pay the ransom money!

    No he won't be released I paid an absolute fortune for Monsta to keep him :lol: :lol:

    Him and miss vic are happy together..... leave them alone :D :D

    Seriously though if they have left they should forfeit their mod status. So get them off! Yes?

  5. Ok i'll admit now i've not read 100% of this topic, only up to Toby's second post.

    But anyways, I'd just like to say, that when i was younger, i was quite the opposite of you Toby. I say younger, i mean when i was 15 - 18.

    I had loads of mates, i was always hanging about the streets, and i will admit i used to knock about with some troublemakers. I went to all the 6th Form Socials, I organised them back in 6th Form. I was drinking before i was 18. I was rarely in the house, even though i did have a playstation/internet or whatever. The one thing i did have, was respect for other people.

    ...I've never done anything like harrassing or taunting people, i've certainly NEVER done anything like Jester is describing, i personally think it's absolutely disgusting. I'm not a 'somebody' but i do look down my nose at scum like that. I actually caused quite an uproar on the bus not so long ago when some youths were firing spitballs across the bus, which resulted in me telling them to grow up (only being 20 myself) and another elderly man telling them they were 'the scum of the earth', in which i strongly agreed. They were really upsetting some elderly passengers and i was just filling with anger.

    I had no where to hang about, nothing to do but wander round with a group of mates, sit at the doctors, or down the front street...but i never resorted to all of this.

    What i'm trying to say is that i don't think it's about not having anywhere to go. It's about how they're brought up, what principles they live by, not being taught to respect others, not being taught to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. If someone is brought up to belive that doing this sort of thing is 'funny'...then...that's what they're going to do. I had one hell of an upbringing, i was taught right from wrong, i was punished for my actions, but i was also taught to think for myself and learn from mistakes.

    I really do hope you get this sorted Jester! There's just no call for it.

    Well said that girl!

  6. Not really, I think I may be what was once called a "Durham Pit Yacker" having been born in County Durham. Does living in Bedlington for nearly 30 years count?

    While working at Lynemouth and Ellington collieries if you lived across the Wansbeck you were classed as 'from owa the watta'! Though I do not recall if we had a name for those who lived on the Ashington side? Oh yes I can 'Sheep Shaggas' :lol: Where men are men and sheep are nervous :lol: :lol:

  7. This global warming is a good way of getting taxes off people through the back door,big cars big tax, fuel tax,energy tax and it's all our fault for wanting to heat our homes and drive decent cars and has nothing whatsoever to do with the 30,000+ nuclear tests carried out in the sixties and seventies by various governments HAS IT?

    Noooooo it's down to me revving the balls off my small 1litre vw polo to keep up with traffic,rather than buy a big car that does 70mph at a little over tick-over!

    Three g I like the bit about the school kids thinking for themselves and not believing what they are told, but I have been saying the same thing on here for a long time and not just to the school kids!

    I'll leave it at that .....for the minute.

  8. Can I make a suggestion here?

    Great work taking the initiative. but...

    We are trying to build a site here that everybody in the town can use in a focussed manner and the members have spent a lot of time convincing officials to visit here which they are now doing. It would be far better if efforts were spent encouraging people to post here rather than scattered across the web on different social networking sites.

    Don't worry there is no commercial interest here and it's run entirely for and by people in the town but like I said on the radio this morning we need to focus our efforts. It's no good expecting officials to listen if we don't make it easy for them.

    If they are linked I don't see the problem! See a link click on it :D

  9. I'm from Blyth and when I cross the bridge at Bebside I'm lost! ;) Newbiggin, Cambois., Druridge Bay they're all so close there all the same! Kidding! I worked at Blyth Power Station, Alcan and all over the Ashington area.

    BTW I was out of town today and saw my first Lynx! impressive animal.

    Did you have your camera with you? Some pictures would be great!

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