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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Sounds like I am not the only one getting sick of things!!

    I saw on another post that Barclays and the Leeds Building Society are closing too... I wonder what will be left except the hair dressers!?

    Is the extension to Tesco's still happening?

    yes still happening probably haidressers :lol: :lol:

  2. Merlin I am sure that the fishing in alaska would be much better than the North East but you would have to contend with the bears. :D bit to cold for the salties

    I remember years ago being told that the first salmon caught during the season had to be given to the Duke of Northumberland not sure if that still is the case or weather its a falacy

    yes Pete you are correct,the Duke of Northumberland does indeed get the first salmon caught,and the angler who caught said salmon gets his fishing for free the next year! Lucky sod :D

  3. Merlin I thought there was salmon in the river Aln?

    There is Pete, also in the Coquet and The Tweed, you'll not believe this but over the last few years one of the best rivers up here for salmon is....... wait for it ..........The Tyne! But that is no matter, it would be cheaper for me to fly to Alaska than pay for a permit to fish for salmon on these rivers! And then there are the waiting lists and of course whether your face fits!.For decent trout fishing it's £30 a day around here!

    Oh! and Pete you're not trying to tell me that fishing up here can compete with Alaska are you! :lol: :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. No Merlin, go past where the power station used to be down towards the old steaths the one with the railway line running to it, did that not used to be Alcan?

    Pete that's the silo's where Alcan transport their fly ash to be loaded on to ships to be dumped out to sea. Seven Stars Steaths.

  5. Okay enoughs enough, just been down the street and I noticed we have another shop opening soon,next to Don Lynne's! Low and behold it's another flaming HAIRDRESSERS.

    What are we the hairdressing capital of the flaming Northeast? 'A' listers flocking to

    Bedlington? I think not! Alright someone has set up a business and I wish them good luck, but come on, do we really need another one in Bedlington. Unusually for me I am at a loss for words(Well I got plenty but I'm trying to be good :D )

    I really am struggling here to get my head round this Eh! What! This really baffles me, what's happening? Aaaaarrgh!

    • Like 3
  6. Monsta,Bears! we got bears but there all asleep, I hope!Pete, I worked at the Alcan at Newbiggen, I worked as construction electrician, is it still running?

    Vic, Alcan is still going strong,didn't know it was at newbbiggin! Its always been at Lynemouth :P It does a good line in growing rag-worm for the fishing here, they use the warm water in huge tanks to grow them!

    Pete,I think you are thinking of the power station, it is not there anymore.

  7. You could be on to something here Merlin, this could be the answer to Gordon's economic depresion, if we have a strict breeding program we could use the surplus to make shoes and the like, creating employment and wealth for the country. :lol::lol:

    Ah! I see, I just realised you were on about the Salties :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. Merlin, Its hunting season for Deer, Elk and Moose, time to fill the freezer :)

    Never tasted any of them in my life,what are they like? I would love to hunt but not just for the prize, anything I kill I eat if I don't need to kill I won't. I love fishing and have always wanted to go to Alaska for the salmon and trout!

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