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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. That was a bit harsh lyk, as much as me and mr d dont get on that was out of order, i think/hope by now that he has learnt a valuable lesson - give him some slack!

    Yes I know, but I think he knows I'm just trying to get him to bight :lol: Anyway he's a big boy now and doesn't need mummy to stick up for him :lol: :lol: Though if you got an ulterior motive for doing so,well then thats another story ;):P

  2. You've got a working class chip on your shoulder a big as your van.

    I'm working class and work in exceess of 60 hours per week developing my business and contacts, so don't preach to me on 'hard working'.With regard to the subject, trying parking on your drive and clearing your garage of junk and think of other people for a change.I make no comment on the rest of your ramblings suffice to say you need help quickly before you end up at St Georges. What an absolute PLONKER.

    No I'm not called Rodney, and as for the name calling why not take a good long look in the mirror!

    You work 60hrs a week,good for you, though it's not my fault your a security guard on low pay :lol: :lol: :lol: My garage is of course full of junk but if your drive way is clear,since you don't park on it, I'll dump it there :P

    I could of course pay to park my van in a secure location, then I could pass the cost on to the likes of you!! So the next time you want work done on or in your house you'll say HOW MUCH. Then man in white van will reply "Well some idiot says I can't park my van at my house,and I have to pay for parking so the cost of your work has gone up!"

    As for St Georges,been there, done that, got the T Shirt,mug,pen etc etc and I met some saner people than you with a lot more sense :D :D

    Have a nice day ;)

    • Like 2
  3. Nope would not, my dignity is worth more than that. It's the after event and the effect it would have on family would weigh heavy on my mind, screw the money. My private life and dignity is worth more. :)

    You can't say things like that,money is everything,happiness kids smiling X-boxes an' PS3's galore! Think of the peace that would bring! I'd sell my soul to the devil for that kind of money,ooooh an the things wor lass would do to me,....................... well at least she would talk to me for 500 grand :lol::lol::lol:

  4. I really hope cost wasn't a factor, cos I will kick off big style. It's the same when the Bedlington Fayre was cancelled, apparently the poclie were charging too much to cover the event, hence no fair, hence no extra income for the town, seriously I am thinking of emigrating as this country has cost on the brain

    The times we live in Andy! But because we have so many people who believe everything the government/council spout then we have no chance! :angry:

  5. The reason they're in there is cos they have no personalities, money left, dignity etc, I for one will NOT be watching

    So! What you're really saying is you don't like reality tv :lol::lol: Is that right?

    If someone offered you 500grand to make a tit of yourself would you do it or not? I would for half the price :D

  6. Another poll could be :---

    Who the hell cares ?? More reality tripe to pollute the airwaves as well as X-Fixtor (according to rumours), don't watch it so don't know. Strictly Come Stomping is another blot on the TV schedule.

    Spleen vented, opinion given, gloves on here we go

    Wow! You got some views there! I get the impression you're not in favour of reality tv :lol::lol:

  7. The rumours were about this new poxy council not providing police support for this event because of cost,that is why some random bloke in a pick up was blocking the road! Good on him giving his time for nowt in a good cause and shame on the council for putting cost before feelings, especially in a case like this.But I still say we should have it at 11am!

  8. heres the answer:


    The metal plates are to prevent skateboarders/ bmx users using the copes for girding and such like, therefore protecting thestone. Others areas of cope will have railings.

    If you have any further queries pleaseemail or call.



    Richard Schofield

    SeniorProject Officer

    Regeneration Service(South East Area Team)

    Northumberland CountyCouncil

    46-47 The Square

    Guide Post



    NE62 5BY

    Telephone: 01670 843453

    Fax: 01670 824814

    Email: Richard.Schofield@northumberland.gov.uk

    Web Site: www.northumberland.gov.uk

    This argument does not stand up! So the skateboarders are going to use the wall 3ft off the ground and not the wall 3 inches off the ground. If you look these plates are directly outside Tesco but are not too the right as you come out of Tesco, true to form theres been some serious thinking gone into this...not, and then some blase' excuse to go with it! Have a look, then have a think, well now wtf's going on here!

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