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Everything posted by Merlin

  1. No he won't be released I paid an absolute fortune for Monsta to keep him :lol: Him and miss vic are happy together..... leave them alone :D Seriously though if they have left they should forfeit their mod status. So get them off! Yes?
  2. The IRA is still active Monsta........... be afraid, be very afraid :blink:
  3. All the best mate and I hope the peace and quiet cotinues
  4. Merlin


    Joe lovely to see you back mate
  5. While working at Lynemouth and Ellington collieries if you lived across the Wansbeck you were classed as 'from owa the watta'! Though I do not recall if we had a name for those who lived on the Ashington side? Oh yes I can 'Sheep Shaggas' Where men are men and sheep are nervous :lol:
  6. Had to rep you there merc just for the two swear words :lol:
  7. This global warming is a good way of getting taxes off people through the back door,big cars big tax, fuel tax,energy tax and it's all our fault for wanting to heat our homes and drive decent cars and has nothing whatsoever to do with the 30,000+ nuclear tests carried out in the sixties and seventies by various governments HAS IT? Noooooo it's down to me revving the balls off my small 1litre vw polo to keep up with traffic,rather than buy a big car that does 70mph at a little over tick-over! Three g I like the bit about the school kids thinking for themselves and not believing what they are told, but I have been saying the same thing on here for a long time and not just to the school kids! I'll leave it at that .....for the minute.
  8. If they are linked I don't see the problem! See a link click on it
  9. Thanks for the info. A lot on there that I and probably most people did not realise! Really helpful! I worked down the pit for ten yrs,this may sound strange but if they were to open tomorrow I would go back! Anyway thanks again for the info.
  10. You come across as someone who cares,so you mustn't be part of the muppet team in the local 'non' job centre More details of the type of help and training on offer,and the criteria one needs to fit to benefit,would be helpful to the people in Bedlington and other nearby places!Thanks.
  11. Did you have your camera with you? Some pictures would be great!
  12. yes still happening probably haidressers :lol:
  13. It goes both ways, import sheet export sheet :lol:
  14. yes Pete you are correct,the Duke of Northumberland does indeed get the first salmon caught,and the angler who caught said salmon gets his fishing for free the next year! Lucky sod
  15. There is Pete, also in the Coquet and The Tweed, you'll not believe this but over the last few years one of the best rivers up here for salmon is....... wait for it ..........The Tyne! But that is no matter, it would be cheaper for me to fly to Alaska than pay for a permit to fish for salmon on these rivers! And then there are the waiting lists and of course whether your face fits!.For decent trout fishing it's £30 a day around here! Oh! and Pete you're not trying to tell me that fishing up here can compete with Alaska are you! :lol:
  16. Pete that's the silo's where Alcan transport their fly ash to be loaded on to ships to be dumped out to sea. Seven Stars Steaths.
  17. Okay enoughs enough, just been down the street and I noticed we have another shop opening soon,next to Don Lynne's! Low and behold it's another flaming HAIRDRESSERS. What are we the hairdressing capital of the flaming Northeast? 'A' listers flocking to Bedlington? I think not! Alright someone has set up a business and I wish them good luck, but come on, do we really need another one in Bedlington. Unusually for me I am at a loss for words(Well I got plenty but I'm trying to be good ) I really am struggling here to get my head round this Eh! What! This really baffles me, what's happening? Aaaaarrgh!
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