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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Sure. This is a public community, post away and any members that can help will. The History Hollow forum is a good place to start with any questions on that topic. https://www.bedlington.co.uk/forums/forum/14-history-hollow/
  2. https://www.bedlington.co.uk/profile/2953-keith-lockey/ Keith sadly passed away in 2015
  3. It looks like they let the sixtownships website domain name expire. I have removed the link and added one to Past Times History Group in its place. Thanks for pointing this out.
  4. You can also "report" any images or content for moderator action. This will show as an item to be actioned by all moderators not just a single user.
  5. Top right of the post, click the 3 dots.
  6. I have made the defaults a bit more aggressive. These will apply to new members.
  7. I have made some more updates to the site for 2021. Generally the look & feel has been cleaned up and compatibility with mobile devices has been improved further. There are still a couple of things being worked on due in the next couple of months.
  8. Incidentally storing all your passwords in plain text in a spreadsheet is a very bad idea. 😉 What you need is a password manager such as LastPass or 1password. Next best is your os/browser password manager (what you are doing when you opt to save usernames and passwords after logging in). The difference between this and a spreadsheet is the passwords are stored encrypted protected by your primary password. https://www.getsafeonline.org/protecting-yourself/passwords/
  9. It sounds like your browser is automatically deleting cookies when you close it. The “remember me” functionality on websites relies on cookies being allowed to persist between sessions. If the login cookie is deleted you get logged out. which browser are you using? It could be the browser settings themselves or an extension.
  10. Yes it's an option in the privacy menu when creating an album.
  11. Today’s funeral I gather was for Bob Wright (Wrights of Bedlington). I used to look forward to a sly cake from them on Front Street West after school.
  12. Well according to mum, @threegee is wrong and this is actually my sister Christina. That’s awkward.
  13. Hi Ian. This was taken at The Old Vicarage next to St Cuthberts Church. I am the other person in the photo . Threegee is my father. If my memory is correct your grandparents lived at the top of Attlee bank but @threegee will know best.
  14. 😂 I added a poll (nominations still open). My vote goes to Eggy for maintaining a fantastic gallery and Canny Lass for the quiz.
  15. Happy birthday Eggy! 🎂
  16. I've updated the album so anyone can add images.
  17. Yes, provided they haven't disabled mention notifications in their settings. By default it is on.
  18. Thanks CL. Tricky ones this week. Looks like I need to add a spoiler plugin to hide other peoples answers. 1. Anne Boleyn 2. No idea 3. Soup 4. Oxford 5. 9 if a US/modern interpretation billion. 12 if the older British definition (million million) 6. Don’t know 7. Don’t know 8. Vodka martini 🍸 (shaken not stirred) 9. Disraeli 10. Don’t know 11. Six 12. Don’t know
  19. I sent you a private message to resolve this so private info isn't revealed. Thanks for the suggestions folks.
  20. I have been working on some changes to the website that will be going live in the next few weeks. This is mainly to simplify the experience and refresh the look a little. While I'm working on it I thought I would try and gather a bit of feedback. Does anybody have anything they find particularly annoying in the current site or any other things they feel are missing that should be available?
  21. Wimbledon Egypt usa & canada Somerset 12” lulu a, b, o resus bald eagle amazon rainforest 1920 no idea - Phil Mitchell? coppernicus
  22. Good to hear Foxy. Thanks for the update.
  23. Hi Vic We’re keeping in touch over skype/FaceTime/zoom/whatever is in fashion on any given day. There was an online Ceilidh organised by my fiancées friends and last Friday we had a group quiz night. We’re coping well so far but I miss having a garden. Both the domestic and beer types.
  24. Lidl is probably your best bet in Bedlington these days now Keenleysides is gone. You might need to buy a cutlery set though. Then you're probably looking at Wilkinsons at Cramlington. Asda at Blyth will almost certainly have them failing that.
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