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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. Happy New Year all.
  2. It’s back.
  3. Sorry folks. Working on it but it might be offline for a couple of weeks.
  4. There are a few common spam words in the filters you may have hit but I can't see anything in your post that would have caught it. I'll check on it though, thanks.
  5. Thank you. 🎂🎂
  6. One of my American colleagues suggests a 1927-1930 vintage.
  7. Not a bad idea. We can make the categories and albums public but the images member only but I'm all for keeping things open generally. Getting people to sign up doesn't seem to be an issue as there's a constant stream of members it's the engagement that is sometimes tricky. The advantage of Facebook is it's general social aim but it's also the big disadvantage in that pretty much everything posted there is ultimately doomed to get lost. We're working on allowing people to post before registering so that posting and signing up are part of the same process. Hopefully that will help.
  8. Perhaps we should start another photo appeal and ask people to list any specific places or people of interest.
  9. @Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) That's great to hear, glad I can help. They could have had one a lot sooner though if I had known. Tell them to get on over to support the local site that actually values and protects the content and isn't out to profit from invading their privacy 😛 Incidentally I've just scanned a lot of old family photos, many of which feature people and places of Bedlington. Threegee is going through them and adding any info he can and I'll be posting the relevant ones to a public album soon.
  10. Sharing some interesting town plan info I found in the loft from 1979 A couple of PDFs... Bedlington Town Local Plan - June 1979.pdf The Bedlington Improvement Programme.pdf And some images....
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