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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Eurovision Song crap contest Why do we have to suffer this every year and all I wanted to do was sit and whatch the telly, ah well its off to the club for a couple of pints and a game of bingo.
  2. Just been on and said hello to Mongo, it looks pretty scary over there. I think the BNP would be welcom over there.
  3. Thanks Cympil I have saved it in my favourits, just waiting for my activation key.
  4. Thats not what you said about Owen.
  5. In Leicester we already are.
  6. Tried but it has disappeared, unless anyone has another link.
  7. Hear hear. 17 million and medical bills, played 13 games since bought and now we here he wants to move on, its got to be a joke.
  8. Pete

    Found This!

    Thats spot on that is. Where's it gone?
  9. Pete

    Blyth Power...

    They certainly did say you were home, they were a land mark. Anything that brings jobs into the area has to be a good thing, might even apply for one myself and commute every day.
  10. Now that would be something to go and see.
  11. I wish Blair had called a general election today instead of resigning, we may have been spared Gordon as PM.
  12. Mines slow and I dont live in Bedlington, BT's my problem.
  13. What! is that true Threegee.
  14. Have they got a leisure centre there Brian?
  15. Has anyone uploaded any video?
  16. Ah well make it the 3050 budget.
  17. Pete

    John Reid

    Hear Hear, its time the doors were closed.
  18. Now that would be a sight to see.
  19. The leisure centers been penciled in for the 3010 Wanspeck budget.
  20. And they get three new Fresh councilors.
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