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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Well if the media is correct it looks like we are getting Big Sam, so next season should be full of boring long ball football. Another year with an empty trophy cabinet.
  2. Pete


    Many thanks Fourgee.
  3. Has John Reids resignation anything to do with the fact that Gordon Brown may become the next PM or have the illegal imgrants replied to his text message and told him to #### ##
  4. I just might have a few.
  5. The hair pin bend was dangerous in the winter the buses used to struggle.
  6. I tried your suggestion Monsta and it worked, many thanks.
  7. You have got that right Blank, and Monsta has a right to his opinion.
  8. Shucks, heres me thinking you were a supporter Malcolm I would be interested to here what the BIP stand for Malcolm? To be honest I am not a BNP supportef Malcolm, I think they have some good policies but what worries me is the hidden agenda that they may have.
  9. Threegee you are doing a fantastic job, Thank you
  10. And heres me worrying about my spelling.
  11. Good to see you back but judging by the date on that post we are looking at 7 months ago.
  12. Pete


    Who wrote That them?
  13. Could be the begining of something new, but after checking the link I am still not sure what they stand for apart from as you say Ashington.
  14. When I looked at the results Malcolm that thought crossed my mind, who are the Fresh party? I have not herd of them in our local elections where I live, are they just in Bedlington/Northumberland?
  15. Your right Monsta if had not been for the likes of Churchill and co we would have been speaking german today.
  16. We are both wrong again. Is big Sam comming to the Toon? I hope not.
  17. Tory he was but a dam fine PM to.
  18. Pete

    Where Is Denzel

    So this proves, what?
  19. Pete


    Interesting but I can't make out were that shop is located Threegee.
  20. Well nothing left to play for so whats your prediction for the Blackburn match Colonel? I think a boring draw.
  21. Ah well dreams are free.
  22. I thought for one moment that you were going to say something else there. I'v checked mine and I have got a blue one.
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