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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Got it and it works, magik
  2. You could be right, according to the Nicky Butt interview on Radio Newcastle thats exactly what he is saying. http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/p...wm=1&nbwm=1
  3. There could still be excitment in a perfect world Joe. The Toon could win the Premier League.
  4. Your right it was not Owens fault he got injured but he still has a contrac with the club and he is being payed, so yes I would expect him to give his all for the Toon.
  5. Ah well we can always dream of the perfect world.
  6. Saw that on the news this morning, they recon it got lost whilst looking for food. Bliddy long way to go for a fish and chip ship.
  7. What life taught me today was a simple fact that I should have know better. Trying to catch up on some work, staying late, You dont get payed for it.
  8. The Mac's used to be good at one time but I have not used one for a number of years.
  9. I think your right. What we need to do is invent some gossip.
  10. Its probably got something to do with the weather Monsta, raining one minute and then the sun shines it sends me to sleep.
  11. It's gotta be dirty books Dave, not that I would want to see him as the next Newcastle manager but the book sound good. Paul J could do a good job but it looks like Big Sam. They need someone quick judging by whats in the Papers, sounds like non of the players want to play for the Toon.
  12. I have been there it is scaaarrry over there Monsta. But I plan to visit again soon.
  13. Ye but it was cheap at Tesco
  14. Your right Monsta it is a bit boring lately
  15. nuls points, apparently
  16. I was wrong again roll on next season but I am not looking forward to Big Sam's long ball game.
  17. Is it the holiday season in Bedlington, the board is very quiet has everyone gone away?
  18. don't know, didn't watch it.
  19. Yes I spotted both of them come up at the same time.
  20. Happy Birthday Mr Pencil Neck Hope you have a good day.
  21. Well CK, whats your prediction for the Watford match. I am taking the Toon to win in style.
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