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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Pete

    Where Is Denzel

    I totally disagree with you, as for the BNP I voted for them.
  2. Wikipedia has a very interesting artical on that subject
  3. It might be a new leisure centre.
  4. Pete


    Geoff Petty, Teaching today, a canny read.
  5. You will have to read the Bible for the answer to that qestion Monsta.
  6. Churchill would have made a good PM today, he stood for what was right.
  7. I agree with you Monsta, I believe in the Bible from the first words in Genesi (In the begining God) to the last words in Revelation (Amen) but it is not for me to push the Bible at people unless they want to talk about it.
  8. Canny picture that man.
  9. Bob Luke was also a rag and bone man from the Station
  10. One thing for sure I am not voting for the three stoogies, Labour, Conservative and wishy washy Lib dem's. I have voted, BNP and for a party I have never heard of but their slogan was English first and thats good enough for me.
  11. Pete

    Where Is Denzel

    He got promoted.
  12. If Tony Blair goes there should be a General election, I for one do not agree that we should be forced to accept an unelected leader of the country. Gordon Brown is not the man to lead this country, its nothing more than a career move for him.
  13. Looking forward to it.
  14. May have been I dont know but he had a horse and cart and he sold ice cream fron the cart. I some how think he may have retired by the 80s.
  15. Sounds a bit like a record from the sixties.
  16. Thanks Monsta I will try that and let you know what happens.
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