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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Yes but I need some information. I have a copy of Bodington on CD the instructions that came with it say place the disk in the drive and then reboot the computer, I have tried this and nothing happens. Does this software have to be run from a server or can it be run from a stand alone computer?
  2. Would'nt think so, he was no youngster in the sixties. Do you not mean Jacky Bell.
  3. Is there any wiz kids on the board that can give me some information about Moodle or Bodington open source software?
  4. Pete

    Maxine Carr

    What, you mean its still broken.
  5. Percy used to be a good pub but I havent been in there since 1968. Banktop used to have a good pint of Newcastle exhibition and ordinary, magic stuff. The Calyton, last time I was in there Tommy Tait was the Landlord, it used to be a Charingtons pub.
  6. Yep, all the way to the table.
  7. Didn't say there was owt wrong with the Railway, what I said was the last time I was in there it was like a Mackem's pub, but it did sell Mackems beer years ago.
  8. Pete

    Maxine Carr

    The Guinness is spot on Colonel in the Tavern/Howard
  9. The Railway did Vaux Silver and Gold Tankard and true it was a mackem brew. Newcastle Exhibition now that was a pint. Do you remeber the Disco at the Railway in the lounge, the Railway was always known as Cregies (not sure about the speeling) In the days of Federation we used to have waiters in the clubs in the concert room, no need to stand at the bar they used to bring it to the table.
  10. The Railway, now that was a good pub way back when but there all Sunderland fans that get in there now or at least thats how it seemed last time I was up there. It was a great pub in the sixties it put Bedlington on the map with its disco and fancy lights. The lights made your pint look the colour of sump oil. The Clayton and the Bank Top were canny pubs then, I dont know what there like today. The Red Lion was good on a Saturday night they had live music. The Havlock was a canny pub does that still exist?
  11. I hope not Swalnalla, rumuor mill say's he is going to Man City, wonder if anyones told Stuart Pearce
  12. Pete

    Wake Up Forum

    Wally must be a Sunderland Supporter.
  13. Not sure on the rules for this voting lark, I have just read the rules and it appears if I vote for Bedlington every day they will only count my first vote. I am using the wild card, am I doing something wrong?
  14. Pete

    Wake Up Forum

    Is that him standing next to the fellow on stilts?
  15. Ah why a good defender never backs off Colonel but its a novel way to score.
  16. Pete

    Wake Up Forum

    Who's Wally, I don't know what he looks like, give me a clue.
  17. Am up for a pint, When and where? The Market Tavern does a good pint of Guinness.
  18. It's great Threegee but I can not get into the gallary. I like the new design it looks really fresh. Edit Sorry just read the site update on the gallary
  19. Ah whey thats just tough cos am to old to lern to spell now, it takes me al me time to write never mind spell, any way am off to the club for me Saturday night pint or two and game of bingo.
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