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Everything posted by threegee

  1. Like JCJ you don't seem to understand mission accomplished. Juncker though doesn't understand that some people enter politics for reasons of belief and commitment, or that there could possibly be any motivation other than pursuing a work-avoiding highly lucrative career. That really says it all about the EU.
  2. I have news for you Merc... the EU is in a lot weaker economic position than the UK. It does not have all the bargaining chips that the Europhiles would like to attribute to it. The euro-politicos trot out the cant that you can't have all the advantages of "the single market" without all the political crap - well, that's only fair! Well... life isn't fair, and when you build your castle on sand you shouldn't blame the tide for washing it away. When reality strikes it will become evident that we can trade with the EU on more or less the same terms as we do now because it is to their overwhelming advantage that we do. All that is needed is a face-saving exercise for politicos - business people will take care of the rest. Of course this might be overtaken by events, and the whole thing might collapse a lot sooner than even people like me predict. c.f. The Soviet Union. Nothing is for nothing with the EU, and the whole outdated political project hinges on creating a dependency on the almighty EU political structure. Well, the EU's wings have already been clipped and Brussels doesn't have any more of other people's money to throw around to buy its influence. There's already a £20BN black hole in the budget to be plugged, and you can imagine the outrage in the UK now when the extra demands roll in to help plug this deficit pre us giving formal notice that we are quitting.. The business people you talk about have their own accounts scrupulously audited, and are fully aware that the EU survives by deceit (and the fact that they haven't had their accounts audited for twenty odd years). It's a political not a business construct, and to attribute anything economically sound to it is to buy into the deceit.
  3. No, it went the way it did because the majority of people in the UK don't go along with the idea that we should commit auto genocide in order to fulfil the dreams of an international elite who are untouched by the practical effects of unlimited mass economic migration. Then, there are the Marxists who will read racism into everything, and attribute racist motives to what is in effect the very least racist nation in the world, and the one that fully understands that its magnificent past (which they also decry) is in no small part due to (controlled) immigration. I wonder which group Sym falls in here? ...and because just as many (indeed more) voted "Remain" for entirely the "wrong" reasons as voted Leave for the "wrong" reasons. But, the arrogant Remainians won't accept that truth either. Their's is the moral high ground - and this is surely true because it says so in The Guardian and on the BBC.
  4. And... without the UK's billions where do you suppose Brussels is going to get this grant money from? The EU as I see it from here is on the verge of economic collapse, and once it becomes clear to German taxpayers that they alone are funding the whole charade, Merkel will be out of office quicker than a David - I will remain PM following a Brexit vote to guide the country - Cameron resignation. And... why would any sane UK business management take such a grant, only to be subject to EU bureaucracy (and the near infinite attached strings) when they are already part an enterprising economy with a world outlook, and one which had once again regained its freedom of action? i.e. outside the EU we can do whatever we need to do to retain our industry. Interesting that Tata is now frantically rowing back from its formerly irrevocable decision that it was out of the UK steel business at any price - no?
  5. Utter Brollox! Leave is about the future, not the last 41 years of gravy-train politics for the elites and nothing but punishment for indigenous populations. The sheer elitist arrogance that brands everyone who voted Leave as living in the past makes my blood boil. People who voted out voted for the future: a future of liberty, and not one of Orwellian subservience. AAMOF we need to do a lot more glorification of our past and not be constantly apologising for it like the Little Europeans would have us do. But the past can only be regarded as a pointer to what we can achieve as a united country; no one takes it as a wish list for the future. The real difference between those who voted to leave and those who didn't is that the latter have a bad case of (super)state dependency. It's a disease which this country regularly catches, and when the symptoms become clear we always manage to shake off, and then prosper once again using our own God-given talents and enterprise. Unfortunately each generation has to build up their own immunity to new strains of the disease, and it's never completely eradicated as isolated pockets always remain where people won't take the medication on religious grounds!
  6. May's is not the kind of experience we need! It's no bad thing not to have a career politico. Oh, and forgot to say - as I've been telling friends for months - the next leader of Ukip is Steven Woolfe. And Ukip is about to move to the left, where a lot of the newer ex-Labour members would like to see it. As for the Labour Party: there really isn't one! Can THEY survive, you ask?
  7. It's now obvious that Andrea Leadsom will be our next PM. Having a businesswoman in charge - and not a hack politico like May - has to be good for our country. Ukippers everywhere will be happy about this as she's firmly in the Leave camp, but paradoxically it's not the best outcome for their party. May is very easy to hate, and will inevitably do Blairite/Cameronite things, whereas Leadsom will be "patriotically pragmatic". Anyone who puts country before political party has to agree that - like Brexit - it's the best possible outcome in a complex world! Another "subjective" threegee observation that will be proven right on the nail!
  8. Of course there will! I mean haven't you seen the incredibly intricate patterns on the latest high-fashion suicide vests?
  9. You don't need to wonder, I never hide my views. I've said several times I would not vote for Boris myself, though out of what's on offer from establishment parties he's the least worst option. And, yes I listen to the news, and KNOW that Gove has knifed him in the back - it's the Tory party! I don't like May, and Andrea Leadsome seems like someone who could make things work, but ultimately I will be campaigning against whoever they choose. On economics and the future my bank balance proves my objectivity there, and the fact that my judgement is more often right than wrong - though I've never been at all motivated by money. Next question?
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/30/video-shows-moment-entire-house-topples-over-after-landslide-in/?playlist=structure%3Anews%2Fworld-news
  11. When politicians say things like that they generally mean how do we get the highly impressionable to think like us and vote for us. Young people have young people's things to do, and they will "get involved" at their own pace.
  12. Muslim Gangs Enforcing Sharia on London Streets And now we have a Muslim mayor of London(istan) this immediately becomes state policy. All courtesy of the multicultural Labour Party. A pity that their multiculturalism precludes our own. Vote Labour - Vote Auto-genocide!
  13. Sturgeon can't even carry her own grossly over-represented little party. I was chatting to a SNP member the other night who'd voted out, and told me he wasn't an exception by any means. She's fuelled by the cross-generational hatred and envy of the English, and greed for more of the UK cake. The UK should just give Scotland a free pass to check in our out of the UK whenever it wants, on condition it abandons the pound, UK funding, and the Barnett formula every time it checks out, and only joins on the same terms as other UK citizens when it checks in again. The border would remain open unless it was being abused by non-Scottish nationals, or illegal imports; at which point Scotland would be required to pay all the otherwise unnecessary ongoing policing costs. That would kill the fishy people's political ambitions stone dead, because the very fact that the UK was prepared to freely grant this would mean that the Scots would reject it out of hand.
  14. Oh yes, I'm arrogant, and ignorant, and have "half a brain", and what were the other things you've labelled me with recently? Education isn't wisdom; in fact these days it's often quite the reverse. Your looking down on voters because they don't ascribe to your own blinkered mindset is the epitome of elitism! I'm most certainly not "branding" you as a liberal, the LD's are anything but liberal, and they are anything but democrats too. If you had an ounce of the "intelligence" you profess I wouldn't need to explain that to you. We will prosper outside the EU, every business person I respect is of that opinion, and my own long business experience accords. What successful business enterprise have you ever controlled? The wet behind the ears kids have an excuse, but you have known a Britain that isn't constrained by the World's largest trade cartel, and a putative super-state that is hostage to the German guilt complex - so, what's your excuse for terminal naivety?
  15. The markets didn't crash - despite the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation doing its very best to engender financial panic - and the people who sold the UK short got their fingers burned.
  16. How pathetically elitist! Yes, you really should be in the Liberal anything-but Democrats. Everyone makes mistakes (yes, even people who think they "understand the consequences"), but a lot of those mistakes cancel. The main thing is that the people have the opportunity to correct those mistakes, and your elites make damn sure that they don't get that opportunity when it doesn't suit them - actually most of the time! There are likely far more people who were influenced by project fear than believed that legal immigrants would be sent home. And, even if there are significant numbers of people who believed that, are you telling me that they'd not prefer a points based system with strict caps to what we've had in recent decades? On the other hand do you think the large number of people influenced by your elite's baseless scare stories wouldn't change their vote a few months or years down the line when it's clear to all just how risible that narrative is? The NHS will benefit for being out, and in more ways than a proportion of our EU budget contributions. The argument now is the scale of that sum, not that the veracity of the principal. The fact that the population doesn't really know what the EU does stems from it's own stealth strategies, and its anti-democratic nature. The people have made the right choice, as will become very clear to all. Your elites have been pursuing their own agenda, and not that of the people. I'm sorry you can't see that.
  17. I think current research says that the age you fully grow up at is 43. Obviously some do a lot earlier, and some never do! Another very good reason to make it mandatory that you can't go straight from university into national politics without a fair period of working in the real world. The need for older and wiser leaders is a historical lesson we've unlearned.
  18. Seems like you need to join the Liberal we're-anything-but Democrats Merc - they'll be campaigning for us to join the Fourth Reich quite soon.
  19. Do you notice who is sitting behind Nigel in seat 165, taking it all in, moe? It's Marco Affronte of Five Star and they are waiting until October to give Juncker THEIR version of Nigel's speech on behalf of Italy.
  20. ...then decide to vote for the opposite of what's best?
  21. Started a few months back but should gain some momentum now - please post the link elsewhere.
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