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Everything posted by threegee

  1. Well, he may not be technically mine (yes, I'd have to Google for that), but he sends me an email once a week, and is the one that properly represents me. http://www.jonathanarnott.co.uk/ ...and - totally unlike the rest of them - he's working hard to put himself out of a job. Exactly my kind of politico! Nor (Ms Morgan) is he a racist, xenophobe, or any other casual leftist epithet you care to sprinkle around to justify your own extreme bigotry and assumed victimhood!
  2. Ah, well, the irony that Nigel would like to replace white euro-trash immigration by commonwealth immigration regardless of race or colour could be a little lost on Ms Morgan! It's actually people like her who give the extreme right credibility; this forms a convenient symbiotic dependency. Anyway, she needn't explain her vocation: plain for all to see that it's Professional Victim!
  3. What's shaping up as sinister is the utterances of Clan Cameron! This is the stuff of armed uprisings Lord Snooty - remember Boston! I think it will be a lot more subtle than a plain ignore; in true EU fashion we'll be asked to go back and think again until we give the answer that the elites need to hear. It won't be put like that though: It will be continuing EU membership wrapped up as a trade deal, and all the EU controls will be pitched as essential to necessary continued trade. We won't truly break free until we restore popular democracy by kicking all the establishment parties hard in the proverbials. Until this is done in a really decisive manner Joe and Jane Citizen is still going to be treated with contempt.
  4. Not even a few minutes hence - so those weather people have a distinct edge! This was very simply explained to me many years ago by a friend who worked at Lehman Brothers NY. The truth is that if anyone (and that includes financial analysts and economists) knew significantly more than the market on a consistent basis then the market wouldn't function. The armies of financial workers make their living from fixed commissions on other people's money, and telling their employers what their employers want to hear - not by having any unique insights into what's really going to happen.
  5. The same reason primitive societies have witch doctors: in the absence of anything genuinely scientific it pays well!
  6. Pretty much the opinion of all the investors I know, and they too have a rather dim view of professional economists. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/investing/shares/why-the-stock-market-wont-even-notice-brexit/ Seems to me that not only don't economists understand how things work, but the chattering classes are in for a few lessons too.
  7. You need to reread that Merc. I was talking about the TWO principal Out groupings. The smaller Tory-led one got the ticket, even after the much larger leave.eu joined forces with Labour-led cross-party Grassroots Out, but is anyone surprised?
  8. You can practically see the brain working there. Before every single phrase he's thinking how are these next few words going to affect my place in history. Like Cameron - yesterday's man!
  9. Yes, even stopped clocks get it precisely right twice a day! Slapped down: David Cameron faces hostility in TV interrogation Best laugh I've had all week. Sample: So, now we know: Turkey's joining the EU in year 3000 is only an "ambition". When it actually bribes its way in - as Dave is ever burrowing hard to facilitate - in eighteen months time, it won't be (another) Dodgy Dave broken promise, it will simply be a cruelly dashed ambition.
  10. Void?! I don't think so. The establishment-friendly electoral commission will do a bit token grumbling, but wave a rigged result through nevertheless. How do you think the Out campaign with the least popular support got selected to be the lead campaign, and got all the funding? The establishment looks after its own - even those who are being a tiny bit irksome. The trick is to give the illusion of democracy whist giving as little ground to actual popular democracy as possible.
  11. Don't say that! If we don't pull free from the sticky web of elitist cronyism that is the EU this time around, there will be more attempts until we do. And, the next one won't take anything remotely like 41 years! The once-in-a-lifetime nonsense is only in Dodgy Dave's mind. The electorate are absolutely entitled to correct their mistakes, even if that doesn't suit our establishment!
  12. Another today-only offer: http://www.ebuyer.com/703912-asus-t100chi-convertible-laptop-t100chi-fg007b Really it's a high spec. Windows tablet with a decent keyboard. Star features is that it has 2GB of RAM and a pretty useful 64GB of solid state storage. The PassMark is a respectable 1269, and the battery life is good. Unlike a lot of fatally flawed Windows (and Android) tablets the two microUSB sockets mean you can run it continuously from mains power and connect peripherals at the same time. Having a common charging and peripherals socket is the dumbest thing ever, because this forces you to use battery power at the times it's most undesirable! The microSD card slot means you can add extra storage quite cheaply - which Windows manages a lot better than Android does. Drawbacks are that it's 22nm so not state of the art, and although having a 64bit CPU it actually runs the 32bit version of Windows. (you need at least 4GB to run the 64bit Windows smoothly). Bargain I think (esp with the free delivery), but I won't be buying myself as I already have a quite similar Linx 1010b (though my Linx only has 32GB of basic storage), and a new lappy on the way too - wheee!
  13. Well we all know where those tree huggers go, but where do the luvvies go? It used to be Labour because it was proletarian fashionable, and that sure paid all around - right wingers would just smile and lefties would lap up the sop. But, where do the Emma Thompsons - those who's lifestyles free them from the consequences of their actions - go now? Let's all hold hands and make the world a better place has been replaced by let's all have a cup of tea with my misunderstood terrorist friends as they really aren't as murdersome as they are painted (except maybe the Jews!). No luvvies with luxury homes on multiple continents are going to go along with that, if only because it's entirely unfashionable, and they might be inconvenienced by the authorities during their peripatetics if they get their names on an international watch list. So, where do they go now, and has Angelina Jolie cornered the market in where they'd all like to be? Thinking about their dilemma I reckon that the luvvies too need a new party, and it could be called the Using celebrity to preach luvviedom to the proles, whilst having no intention of doing anything inconvenient or wealth-draining ourselves party. This would need to be shortened to something trendy like HIP though (Hypocrisy International Party). How about Russell Brand for grand leader? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3527801/Anti-capitalist-Russell-Brand-plans-pool-cinema-3-3million-thatched-cottage.html
  14. Really good find Moe. It doesn't really get on message until about 14 minutes in. Anyone who doesn't see the obviously intended irony in the edit of Corbyn's final words - "Some people are slower learners than others" - is clearly a Corbyn voter! I think the core problem for Labour is that the vast majority of the electorate isn't as simple-minded as their current leader, and that many of those who are will grow up at some point! We learn that he's a total gift to Tory Central, and that this extends to his team. Their anticipated response to their PM's QT question, and what Dodgy Dave came back with shows their reality gap. It was put down to a mole in the Labour camp rather than they hadn't actually thought things through to their logical conclusion. Against that sort of self-delusion Gordo's "it's a global problem" starts to sound convincing. The looks of disappointment on their faces, and the teary emotionalism when things didn't work out as they believed they must, is all an intelligent voter needs to know about a prospective Corbyn government.
  15. Even if they are traced (and compos) the old you can take a horse to water adage still applies. Grade 2 is actually a cop out!
  16. A Grade 2 listing actually means that the state wants it preserved, but hasn't any money to do this; so... it tries hard to push the responsibility on to the legal owner. Believe me, I KNOW!
  17. Yes, yes, but have you reviewed that (EU funded) research report into how the odds correlate with beer residue thickness. That "accidental" spillage could easily be a cynical plot to massively shift the odds, and so end democracy as we know it.
  18. You aren't confusing Reading with Bedders are you? Easy mistake, I know!
  19. Here, people don't have cats - cats have people. The cats that own our land trade in rodents - which they leave just outside the door - for food. They are country cats, not really domesticated, and certainly not stupid. The three kittens who were born here stick around a lot more than the adult cats, who obviously get fed elsewhere too. There's always some cats at feeding time demanding food, but you can never predict exactly how many will turn up.
  20. ...or a US Nickel: The physicists/mathematicians seem to believe that the surface is very important to the model, and so is the energy with which it is thrown (more bounces give a much higher probability). So... I sure wouldn't bet on that figure!
  21. Do the electorate even know what will benefit the nation, and what will benefit themselves? Right wingers would tend to say that they are one and the same thing (they mostly believe in enlightened self-interest). The referendum is simple: Remain isn't really Remain, it's further and deeper before you even know it. As just about everyone on both sides agrees that the EU doesn't work well, then logically even more of the same can only be worse. Leave just wants you and your descendants to continue to have a real vote, and not a pretend vote for a pretend parliament. Anyone voting "Remain" has to believe the politician's promises that:
  22. Yes, it's goes on a bit; I watched it when half asleep in the early hours one night. I think its politics are well to the left, but you can't fault the general message. Paxo's recent one on the BBC delivered the same sort of message through his traditionalist Tory glasses. Hilarious to hear the squeals of bias about it from the Guardinistas! Everyone vote on everything was my take when I was at school, but it won't work because then the process is open to small militant groups hijacking decisions through the general boredom that will prevail after a while. You've only got to look at how Corbyn got elected: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/20/labour-membership-jeremy-corbyn-purge With the internet those sorts of things are now much easier to organise, and never rule out the ingenuity of the opposition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/general-election-2015/politics-blog/11680016/Why-Tories-should-join-Labour-and-back-Jeremy-Corbyn.html So, I don't think there is a real alternative to some form of representative democracy, but without the right of recall the ruling classes are always going to have the upper hand, and are going to fight right of recall proposals all the way. Like most things in life it's getting the balance just right. Carswell's ideas certainly deserve a listen here. I think the really important thing is where policy comes from. There's only one party where it comes directly from the members, but power corrupts and it's essential that Ukip members firmly lock this down. The ultimate in anti-democracy is of course the EU, where no one really knows where policy comes from - the take-home message of that film (except they explicitly indicate it really comes from international capital, and aren't too wrong!).
  23. Try condescension - because you have before! The converse of your claim about your friends in the pub: if you knew me you'd know that was entirely untrue too.
  24. My ignorance about exactly what? I said probably based on clear statistics - once again you try to personalise things! You can only take the Ashington/Bedlington dichotomy so far; the evidence shows that there are still very significant numbers of Bedlington people whose political awareness is more in tune with the first half of the 20th century that the 21st! But, if you are saying that our unwilling pairing with Ashington is a huge drag, then I'm in 100% agreement. I'm not going to point up the obvious self-contradictions in the rest. If you are "turned-off" then please do turn off, and start a thread about something that turns you on! If this interests me I will join in, but if it doesn't there'll be no expression of sour grapes, or personalised attacks, from here!
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