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Everything posted by threegee

  1. Everything which affects our lives today is done from behind a mask. Now you know the what of TTIP learn about the why:
  2. On Saturday the bookies drastically shortened their odds on Dodgy Dave not lasting the year out, but they're still way out. Their book should actually be on will he last June out, because there's zero chance that either of the dodgy duo will last 2016 out! In order to restore credibility whoever replaces him must take another look at his dodgy deals, and I'm not just talking about the pretend EU renegotiation. There's also his stitch up with the BBC bosses to let them off the hook for another 11 years if they play his game, and the other quid pro quos with the civil service, merchant banks, and international big business. An inquiry into how the civil service became so deeply involved in deceiving the public is in order. And, If five former chancellors all say the Treasury has been feeding the public total BS, that is something which can't be ignored.
  3. Far left on far left attack when a German party leader tries to propose a figure for a cap on immigration! Almost needless to say the militant leftie got his way, and the party quickly distances itself from the leader's cruel proposal that there should be any limit on migrants to the EU. All part of the insane asylum (are you still allowed to say that?) that our politicos have signed us up to. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/29/german-mp-slapped-in-the-face-with-chocolate-cake-over-stance-on/
  4. The real question for them to ponder is: can Dodgy Dave survive long enough to hand them their gongs? Live: David Cameron facing leadership coup as Tory MP calls for him to go live on TV This is working against him now, as when you are certain you are going to get the chop for speaking your mind traditional party niceties go out of the window - it's kill Dave or be killed time! Enjoy the spectacle of the Tory party disintegrating as you'll never see anything like it ever again - except from Labour!
  5. I think your mates in the pub probably switched off long before the referendum. That a crook, blustering con-man, and utter ignoramus - one regularly who votes for autogenocide of our nation AND the interests of international capitalism - should poll over 19,000 votes, whilst a miner's daughter who offers real change could only get 7000 (and likely most of those from disaffected Tories in Morpeth) doesn't say much for their political awareness, or appreciation of the issues. Fortunately the referendum ISN'T FPTP, so engaged and informed people don't get drowned out by the general apathy.
  6. Some of the biggest lies in the referendum campaign are being told by George Osborne: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/674792/proof-Britain-will-not-lose-trade-deals-leave-EU-Chancellor-George-Osborne Except - as the eminent lawyers confirm in their report - that's lying nonsense. No further negotiation is necessary as following a Brexit everything carries on as before until WE decide differently.
  7. With the obvious exception of this one! You are entitled to switch off; but there are many many people who don't appreciate all the issues, and others are entitled to campaign for their support. It's called democracy; if you want to end it then vote for the salami-slicing antidemocratic EU, and let the Euro-elites do all your thinking for you. It was a good 1000 years - whilst it lasted!
  8. Oliver Reed comes immediately to mind! Can't think why.
  9. Today only and it looks like they are going fast. http://www.ebuyer.com/665518-sandisk-960gb-ultra-ii-sataiii-2-5inch-ssd-sdssdhii-960g-g25 Input discount code: SSD at the checkout. Free next working-day delivery too. Did I order one myself? Yes.
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/26/plans-to-create-an-eu-army-kept-secret-from-voters/ It's right there in yesterday's passionately Remain-supporting EU-friendly Times people; what, exactly, do the deniers not understand?
  11. There's just so much jiggery pokery going on from the Remainers that it's near unbelievable. Behind it all is the really big money being funnelled in by Dave's puppet-masters. The true origins of this big money is quite shady. Official pro-European Union campaign is part-funded by Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup and Morgan Stanley and France’s Airbus and Eurostar, Electoral Commission figures show
  12. That would be to fall into the trap that it's just another election where - if we make a mistake - we can re-vote in five years to correct it. This one is for keeps and it's about our very nationhood and democracy. I guess that if this was WW11 you'd be saying all right I've had enough lets just get back to the 1930's! It's a life and nation changing event, and deserves a bit more application.
  13. Watching the so-called "BBC EU Debate" we are informed that a major benefit of being in the EU is that it has reduced our mobile phone roaming charges. Yes, the kids honestly believe this EU propaganda! The truth is more prosaic: It's that the weight of EU regulation that has kept European roaming charges high, at a time when international pressure has equalised them downward in other parts of the world. The prime mover in this is the ITU (the clue is in the name), but once again the EU claims credit for something that would have happened anyway, or has itself has been actively militating against. http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Regulatory-Market/Pages/Roaming_info.aspx The EU pretty universally keeps ALL prices higher than they would otherwise be, and forces worker wages down. Large international corporations control the EU at every turn, and that's why they love it so much! Hear the truth from a paid EU lobbyist's own mouth in this great film:-
  14. They do not USE GPS for primary navigation or collision avoidance; they only use it in the same manner as a human does. It could be dispensed with, but is a useful adjunct. I'm not sure why you are even arguing this! It's not about "having to worry about driving". The highways are usable because people conform to a common rule-set and there is an acceptable degree of predictability in people's actions. Those who drive unpredictably get rapidly weeded; smart vehicles do not change that paradigm in any way. Why on earth does a smartvehicle have to conform to a "predetermined route" or operate on a schedule? It's entirely up to the owner(s) how they are operated. We SEEM to have gone from the proposition that they are too dumb to one that they are too smart for humans. It's a false dichotomy either way.
  15. Why would you call your smartcar number 31 (unless you had a large collection)? I'd call mine Rover! You are talking like this was some government imposed "planned" technology. Did you ever see the French Minitel? What you are missing is that this delivers a mechanism for the market to decide the optimal path, and government only gets involved to provide the common glue. Of course government will see opportunities too and add to the technology mix. Wait is what we do now. Uber and others have disrupted the market by the simple innovation of removing the person in front of the radio in a taxi firm, and placing positional information in the hands of customers. Bus companies will cotton on to this soon - assuming they haven't already. The real problem with transport is not that people need to be at the controls, it's that they need to know exactly what is going on and be able to use that information to exercise market choice. People don't thump the counter of airport check-ins over inevitable delays, they get angry about not being told exactly what's going on. Smart vehicles don't limit information, choice, and available routings, they greatly expand them all. I suspect that I will be in a position to post a link of "a royal" in a autonomous vehicle a lot sooner than any of us might now imagine - and that might even be HMQ.
  16. Oh, I see. Well... in that scenario you'd probably be better off throwing large sacks of diamonds instead. The spectral properties of the gems might blind the optics, and it's highly likely that this contingency won't have been properly tested for!
  17. The proposition is that a GPS spoofer used from a motorway bridge would cause "carnage". It would do no such thing. Smartcars use the same visual and spatial clues as human drivers, except that they react to them more reliably, and a lot faster. The rest is just to gild the system, and because it is possible to go even further. And further we will go as the explosion in available telemetry information is pooled to the general good.
  18. No, but that doesn't translate into remotely the scenario that is being suggested. Smartcars don't use GPS for primary navigation, and certainly not for collision avoidance.
  19. Unlike CL I can't! What do you think would happen?
  20. Are you talking about the one on the left or the one on the right? Yeah, OK, I know: it's the one on the left. The one on the right should go straight to The Tower for High Treason.
  21. Why not take the EU quiz - well, you paid plenty for it! The strap line is: Do you know the facts about the EU? No facts there folks, just more unremitting pro-EU propaganda, so please don't waste your time. I want to add a question though, and it concerns our lords and master's graphic above. Q) Which of the yellow stars is the UK? A) 0.4285714285714286 of any of the stars (you choose which one) - getting less by the year - and will undoubtedly be replaced by part of a crescent before too long. It's called having political "influence"! How they have the barefaced effrontery to associate it with the Union Flag - when they are doing everything possible to consign it to history - might be the next question in the "quiz"!
  22. The #1 thing to know is exactly what powers it. If you don't find this out BEFORE you part with your money you are building for a disappointment, and could end up with something that's almost obsolete before you hit the on switch. If the device is Intel powered this is relatively easy: The site http://ark.intel.com/ has all the Intel products that you will ever encounter, even very old ones and ones that haven't been released yet. Get the CPU model number from the manufacturers specification and paste it in to the search window there. There's one thing - and really only one thing - you need to look for and that's the line that says Lithography. As of today's date if that line doesn't say 14 nm you are buying an obsolescent product with much lower battery life than you need to. The shop simply won't tell you this, as they need to move this product on quickly! Here 22 nm is NOT better it is worse, and 32 nm is an antique! There's another website (though it's not the only one here) that is good to check with, and that's https://www.cpubenchmark.net/ This site will give you a fairly good idea of how much performance you can expect from that CPU. They quote this as a PassMark figure. PassMarks of less than 500 are really poor these days, and even a tablet should have one going on towards 1000. This site helps you compare prospective purchases for computing power. Intel's own designators (e.g. i3, i5, i7, Core M, Celeron, etc.) are simply a marketing exercise, and not to be taken too seriously. Of course the car isn't just the engine, and there are other things to consider; particularly the amount of RAM memory (and whether it is permanently soldered-in or upgradeable). But, the above can help you rapidly weed out the stuff you shouldn't even be considering.
  23. Yes, technically their and theirs are both pronouns, and you choose according to sentence make up and emphasis. Their chair. The chair is theirs. In the chair's leg you've formed a possessive noun from chair. i.e. chair is already a noun, and not a word that refers to a noun. If you try to apply apostrophe S to the example pronouns above ( I's; you's) it will be become clear that this makes for nonsense English (here she's and it's have entirely different meanings).
  24. Britain to enter recession with 500,000 UK jobs lost if it left EU, new Treasury analysis shows Now hang on there civil service: you've been feeding us this "uncertainty" guff for weeks, now it's a firm "would". That doesn't sound anything like uncertainty to me! Anyway, it's nice to know we have an unbiased, entirely impartial, civil service that doesn't take sides! Knighthoods all around, eh?!
  25. It HAD to happen Dave starts dealing in second hand cars! (Apologies to second hand car dealers everywhere for any offence by association.) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/news/prime-minister-buys-used-nissan-micra-for-his-wife/ There's a distinct resemblance to Tricky Dicky, don't you think?
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