Good to have you back Merlin. I can understand your frustration reading your other post about business rent and rates. Did you know business rates are to take a 5.5% hike in April? So the breathing space they have been given this year is about to come back and hit everyone in the face. Rents have been going upwards too, what a way to stimulate new business activity! On top of that the domestic rates look to be under renewed pressure as the county try to balance its budget. Seems they will take the Government shilling this year again but really that can only make rises that much greater in future! Swerving service delivery onto the Parish councils, who will then have to charge us extra for them, while retaining that part of the county rate which we paid for these services means we will be hit with double taxation for the same service delivery! So rising costs and a squeeze on disposable incomes at the same time, this is going to end very badly especially in towns like Bedlington which seems to be already clinging to viability. To add further insult to injury County are now looking to impose a hierarchical structure onto the towns in the county and Bedlington is to be relegated into 'B' class status so it will no longer be a Market Town it will be a 'district centre'. It would seem someone agrees with your Ghost Town status! As for the much promised redevelopment by Tesco have a look at this..